The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 40: Unit Overview: Fighter

Part 40: Unit Overview: Fighter

Like scouts, fighters don't show up in any animations.

Basic Info:
Cost		22000 G
Movement	10
Move Type	Air
Fuel		99
Ammo		5
Ammo Cost	8 G
Range		1
Special		None
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		5.5			0.5
 Mech			5.5			1.5
 Medium Tank		0.5			1.5
 Tank			1.5			1.5
 APC			2.5			1.5
 Rocket			1.5			N/A
 Artillery		2.5			N/A
 Supply			4.5			N/A
 AA Missile		1.5			6.5
 AA Tank		1.5			6.5
 Fighter		4.5			4.5
 Scout			6.5			1.5
 Bomber			9.5			N/A
 Copter			6.5			0.5
 Battleship		0.5			6.5
 Lander			1.5			4.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Fighters are the scouts' big brothers, able to hit a little harder against everything but a copter, and more resilient to all attacks as well. For that benefit, they are almost 50% more expensive. Ultimately they're worth the price later in the map when cash is flowing freely, though early on a scout is more effective against the initial copter wave. A fighter has the same incredible movement and long-lasting fuel tank that a scout carries, so between the two of them you can maintain a large area of control in the skies.