The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 50: Unit Overview: Lander

Part 50: Unit Overview: Lander

Landers do show up in an animation when they're loaded, though they're a bit...large. A nice touch in the animation is a couple of small anti-air guns, showing the lander's combat niche (more on that below).

Basic Info:
Cost		18500 G
Movement	5
Move Type	Ship
Fuel		99
Ammo		6
Ammo Cost	3 G
Range		1
Special		Can carry any two ground units
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		1.5			0.5
 Mech			1.5			0.5
 Medium Tank		2.5			1.5
 Tank			2.5			1.5
 APC			2.5			0.5
 Rocket			2.5			2.5
 Artillery		2.5			2.5
 Supply			2.5			N/A
 AA Missile		2.5			N/A
 AA Tank		2.5			N/A
 Fighter		4.5			1.5
 Scout			6.5			0.5
 Bomber			5.5			6.5
 Copter			6.5			0.5
 Battleship		2.5			7.5
 Lander			4.5			4.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

Like APCs, landers are transport units that could originally also serve a combat niche. Landers can carry any two ground units, though they can only unload them one at a time in this game. They are also effective against air units; not as good as an anti-air tank or missile, but good enough for naval air denial and battleship protection. They also can do decent damage against battleships, if they can get close. They're best at carrying your heavy vehicles over to an enemy island for a ground invasion, but they can still help out after their primary job is done.