Part 47: Gaiden 2
Welcome to the 2nd gaiden chapter!
As a sidenote, I'd like to thank special guest petrichor for helping to translate this chapter.
Unlike the first one, I let people vote for our team on this one. There were a few spots left unfilled, so I threw in Reimu, Marisa, and Murasa myself.
By the way...
I went ahead and cheated myself infinite money for this.
You'll see why in a bit.
Since I had to use a different save file for this, several of the units voted in are at tragically low levels.
A bunch of these nerds are getting 4 levels out of the deal.
Anyway, let's get on with the chapter.
Gaiden 2: Recollection of Spellcard
Just like last time, this is a play on Chapter 48, "Watatsuki's Spellcard".
Let's just get this over with.
It's party time!
Yep, this mechanic is back from
Of course, there's a reason why I hacked myself infinite money.
>It's party time!
Everyone get's pumped up, gaining 20 Power.
Fight her.
Tease her.
Turn her into fertilizer.
So fun fact, most of the dialogue in this part has been route specific. On Reimu's route, for example, Tenshi's the one making this choice. But! Buried in the code, there's a secret set of third choices where Meeko makes the call! Maybe they'll make the Meeko Route real in FMW Complete.
Anyway, there's only one option here.
>Turn her into fertilizer.
The screen shakes a bit, and something explodes.
Victory: Defeat Yorihime
Defeat: The Palanquin Ship is defeated.
Bonus WP: Capture at least 3 of Yorihime's spellcards.
For reference, Yorihime has 4 spellcards, so you can skip 1 of them and still get the bonus.
We can worry about Yorihime later. For now, let's just dive in and clear out the rabbits.
If you've got any underleveled units here, you can get hella EXP by stacking Gain and the Unidentified Seeds (which both double EXP).
For reference, that was 6 and a half levels from one kill.
I have to tell you, I'm really glad to have Shinki on this chapter.
Not for Love, mind you, but for Attune, which gives some 100% accuracy for a turn. This will be so, soooo useful in a bit.
Incidentally, Shizuha ALSO has Attune, while Minoriko is a MP healer, so they can contribute despite their low levels as well.
Anyway, at the end of Turn 1, we get some dialogue.
This part is slightly different if you haven't deployed Yorihime. Only slightly, though.
Resuming the enemy assault, here's a picture that captures my frustration. The melee-oriented rabbits have Parry, so a bunch of physical attacks, including Tenshi's partner attack, are highly ineffective.
Oh well, just means they're softened up for the Work Experience Kids to finish off.
By the end of turn 2, we're pretty close to Yorihime, so why don't we take a look at her?
210 Mobility. 2100 Armor. 102000 HP in her first phase, and 4 spells. And, y'know, an L-Shooter cranking her accuracy and crit rate. Omega Yorihime has quite the stacked unit stats.
But the real shit doesn't start until the next page.
Level 99
Shrine Maiden L9 (massive boost to evasion/accuracy)
Surpreme (+20% accuracy, evasion, and damage reduction)
Break Power Limit+ (and she starts at 200 Power to boot)
Double Act
Prevail+ (accuracy, evasion, defense, and crit rate increase as her HP decreases)
Predict (boosts her accuracy and evasion stats directly by 35)
Absolutely ridiculous stats.
And to top it all off, remember how much I bitched about Yumeko's Personal Skill back in the Makai arc? Well, it's back! Yorihime can always S.Attack for herself, letting her not only attack effectively four times per turn, but those S.Attacks can bypass your S.Defenders.
That last part is a particular problem, because...
Just to be clear, Yorihime doesn't have any spirits casted or anything, she just naturally has a 69%nice to hit Reimu. If you can't survive at least 1 hit from Yorihime (which is pretty tough with her jacked Melee stat) then you're not going to be doing much.
Oh yeah, and there's that part where Reimu can't hit her. That's a bit of a problem, I suppose.
Best thing to do here is just defend.
On your first combat with Yorihime, you get some dialogue:
BGM: Lunatic Guardian
2k, even to noted beefcake Tenshi while guarding.
Support Attacking for yourself looks funky.
I completely forgot Reimu has a barrier. I guess with maxed out Armor she'll be able to survive a hit after all.
Ah, but of course, Double Act is here.
Normally the AI won't target the same unit twice, but Reimu's the only person in range, and Yorihime's programmed not to start moving until turn 3.
Luckily, she missed both times here.
Ok, so on my turn, Yuuka was serendipitously in the perfect range.
Casting Strike is absolutely mandatory.
Casting defensive spirits, however, is not. As it so happens, Yorihime has no attacks beyond 6 range, and none of her spells will extend that, either.
Abusing this fact is the only reasonable way of doing this fight without cheating (or going Waifu Level 10 on someone, but I haven't actually tried that).
...Yep, that sure was less than 5% of her first HP bar.
Yorihime is kinda ridiculous.
If you're not out of Yorihime's range, using Strike+Alert (or Grit) is basically mandatory. Reimu, luckily, has Sense, which casts both at a discount.
The nature of this fight gives rise to a lot of unique considerations... most of which I figured out after playing this chapter
The fact that Strike is, as mentioned, basically mandatory, means that partner attacks are MUCH less valuable than normal. Blowing 20 of Tenshi's SP to deal 2600 damage is a bad trade-off. As such, this is one of the few times where running solos instead of pairs is a good idea. You miss out on FPM attacks, but I'm think it's worth it.
On the other hand, since Strike lasts the entire turn, Support Attackers are at a premium, since they can potentially get 3 attacks in per turn, with minimal damage loss, without risk of being counterattacked.
And, like I said before, anyone with Attune can contribute massively.
Shinki is an interesting situation. One of her PSes gives a barrier to everyone in a huge radius around her, but I think the extra SP you get from using her SP Regen skill is better value.
She's also a long-range attacker, which is nice.
Wow. A critical hit. Amazing.
Of course, unique evasion skills like Sakuya's Perfect Square still work, if you feel like gambling.
Sadly, Yorihime doesn't have much in the way of boss dialogue, not even to herself.
With one exception.
Between his tremendous Armor and gargantuan HP, Hisoutensoku is one of the few units who can actually trade blows with Yorihime.
Not for long, mind you, but he can do it.
By turn 5 or so, I've wound up with this arrangement. I was sorta flying by the seat of my pants here, so there's lots I'd do differently if I did this chapter again, but this is a good enough set up.
For the most part, we've got units that can somewhat play footsies with Yori up-close and pinning her, while our snipers hang back and blast her with impunity.
As Yorihime's HP drops, her Prevail+ kicks in, so even Reimu's getting hit 100%.
Unlike recent SRWs, you can't cast spirits on the enemy phase, so there's a whooole lotta blocking going on in this fight.
Me in the past: "hmm, I wonder if Youmu can take a hit"
Keep in mind this was Yorihime's Support Attack. Had this been her main attack, Youmu would be dead.
I don't expect Mokou to live very long, so I'm just going all-out with her.
Wow amazing.
Ok skipping ahead to near the end of Yorihime's first bar.
This is happening on the enemy phase, which makes the order of actions here important. It'll go Yorihime, Kaguya and Mokou counterattack, Yorihime support attacks. The support attack will definitely kill Mokou, BUT, if Yorihime dies in the middle, we can avoid it.
I don't reeeally want to do it like this (since Yorihime will get one more action from Double Act, but this time with the benefit of a spellcard), but oh well.
Enemy Spellcard
Divine Blade 「Hi-no-Kagutsuchi」
Ally: Movement -2 Yorihime: Final Damage +1200
And sure enough, she's using it right away.
So, here's a really cute detail. In FMW4, Yorihime got her animations updated to have new particle effects and such, right? But because this chapter is based on FMW3, Dream Yorihime uses her old animations.
For comparison, here's old and new Hi-no-Kagutsuchi. It's a surprisingly big difference!
Thank you Duplex Barrier.
Alright, we're on a time limit now, so it's time to start laying in. Tenshi can use Courage to cast a boatload of offensive and defensive spirits both ensuring her survival, and guarenteeing some good damage.
I wonder how much damage FPM Fantasy Nature will do?
Well... it's better than 5k, at least.
Heeey, that's halfways respectable!
I'd be tempted to do something similar with Nue, but she's got a different job...
Here's some behind the scenes info: normally I play as much as I can with animations on, in case I want to throw in a screenshot of a fight as a space filler. This chapter took me 2 hours to do, though, so I ran out of patience for that.
Ironically, Ally Yorihime has longer range than Enemy Yorihime.
Ahh, healer EXP.
I brought Sanae in Suwako Mode, since that's what I normally do, but hindsight, Kanako Mode would've been a better choice for the extra Armor and better weapon ranges.
Youmu has been a real trooper in this chapter. Anyone that can survive a hit without wasting SP is super useful here, as long as you heal them afterwords.
I forgot about it til this chapter, but Nitori has a PS that makes her Faith heal both units in a pair. It's been incredibly useful in topping off the Youmu/Utsuho team.
I've been gambling on Private Square procs quite a bit.
Alas, my luck finally ran out.
Ok, moving ahead to the final turn left on Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, Youmu's spending the last of her SP. She won't be attacking much more after this (unless Shinki casts Attuen on her), so let's make it count.
Yeah, I'd say that counts.
Enemy Spellcard
Divine Dance 「Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto」
Yorihime: Perfect Dodge (Ranged) -Dodge all Ranged attacks. (Strike and Fury are still effective)
Hah, jokes on you! I can't hit you without Strike anyway!
Fight fight fight fight fight....
Even Dai's jumping into the fray for some close-range healing.
Eventually Mokou's time was bound to come.
...Huh, so here's a quirk of the AI I never realized. This is the same turn as Mokou dying, and normally the AI doesn't attack the same unit twice, but I guess they track the two units in a pair seperately? In essence, Kaguya's getting attack from Support Defending Mokou earlier, and now double-attacked, all on the same turn.
Luckily her barrier makes her quite chufty, so she can take it.
Alright there's only so many times I can say "we blow finishers on Yorihime and chip her down 5k at a time", so let's skip ahead.
Youmu's gunna finish her off with help from Shinki, just because.
It's nice to slow down and appreciate how many poses Youmu has in this attack.
Enemy Spellcard
Spiritualism 「Take-Mikazuchi」
Yorihime: Break Accuracy Limit -Accuracy can rise above 100% (excess is converted to damage). Yorihime: Passthrough -Can travel through enemy-occupied spaces. Yorihime: Autocast (Accel) -Cast Accel at the start of every turn
Quite a nasty combination of effects here!
Normally I'd advise spamming your bombs here to avoid getting too horribly murdered, but what if you don't have those? Weeeeell, as it happens, I happen to have two secret Anti-This-Particular-Spell weapons right here!
The first is the Confuse spirit. While it, yes, does cut enemy accuracy in half and all that, what it also does (despite not saying this) is set the enemy's maximum accuracy to 50%. Doesn't matter how stupidly high Yorihime's accuracy normally would be, she's not doing jack to us with this on.
Actually, the way Confuse works is really fucking confusing heh and I have no idea how it works at all. There's no reason Yorihime's accuracy should be this low... but it is, so whatever, I guess.
Anyway, the OTHER special weapon we have is one of Yamame's Personal Skills: Spider Net. Upon use, the next enemy she hits becomes incapable of moving for a turn. This works even on Final Yorihime, and it ensures she can't escape my blockade.
With the confusing Confuse interaction, Sanae has surprisingly good odds of evading this attack.
Curse you BlitzBlast
Well, RIP Sanae I guess. She was low on SP anyway.
By the way, here's the old and the new Take-Mikazuchi, for comparison.
We're nearing the end, so even using Golden Byakuren's finisher (which, if you've forgotten, knocks her back down to normal mode) is worth it, at this point.
Yorihime gets sent to hell...
Punched into a desert mountain...
Bresto Faiyaaaaa'd...
huh, ally and enemy yorihime's attacks are spelled differently
Hit with a much more dynamic lightning attack...
Final Sparked...
Ballerette'd on...
And even anchor'd.
And we're still only halfway done with this spell!
Hey so fun fact, I'm still using the test patch we made for Chapter 77, which has the items translated.
Except that this one is wrong! It doesn't restore SP at all!!!
Damn you Nook
Murasa dies from Graze damage, which looks kinda funky.
Anyway, at long last, it's time for the REAL heroine to bring home the gold.
By which of course, I meant Marisa.
Fuck yeah, Bonus WP acquired!
Enemy Spellcard
Ally: Movement -2 Yorihime: All Stats +40 Yorihime: Autocast (Zeal) -Cast Zeal at the start of every turn
Zeal, by the way, means she takes 3 actions a turn.
Right, well, Yorihime doesn't move... and I already have the Bonus, so...
Welcome to the Survival Game! Let's see who can last Yorihime's final onslaught!
Nue falls to a singular strike from Yorihime!
Next, she unleashes her MAP attacks!
Yorihime and Tenshi are the next to die! They were on low HP from all the brawling, so that makes sense.
There goes Reimu.
Next up on the chopping block...
Oh yeah, NOW they're starting to drop like flies.
Plus, that was only the first of two MAPs on this turn!
Farewell Tewi, you made it far.
Yuuka is, as usual, completely immortal. She never got hit even once throughout the entire fight.
There goes Cirno.
This is actually Hisoutensoku going kaput, but other people have to be the one to say the line for him.
And lastly, there goes Utsuho.
So our survivors are Yuuka, Eiki, Minoriko, and Youmu. Congrats to you 4.
Yorihime doesn't actually attack on the final turn of the spell, so...
This is the only time in this LP I've ever timed out a spellcard
Hey look, it's the first (and only) time Clarste's efforts in translating the "you escaped" dialogue has ever paid off.
Aaand that's it.
Next time: the final episode of Fantasy Maiden Wars!