The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 107: Update XCIII - No concern for safety

Update XCIII - No concern for safety

This update covers the events of Updates VI to VIII.





Music: Fear

GET THE SAME SPEE-wait that's not what Hakuno said the last two times.

All of my senses grow faint. The pain running through my body has long passed my ability to endure it. I now know what the damned suffer.

Why does picking Archer give Hakuno an entirely different reaction?

The drive to go on is something I do not understand. It's not like the fear of death is urging me to not give up. I just want to be at peace. Keeping that in mind, why am I trying with all of my might to get back on my feet? I cannot figure out the reason why. I don't know why my life needs to be ended. Why am I here—?

-I understand now. That must be the reason why.

There were those many corpses. There were those many questions.

Now— I can't continue without knowing. No. Now that my spirit has been awakened, I cannot allow things to come to an end without knowing...!

Music: Stops

You question your own existence even as it comes to an end, and see your own shortcomings as death approaches.

Music: Battle - Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea

A nondescript Heroic Spirit fighting for a nameless Master. —I look forward to your valiant efforts in battle.

Hakuno doesn't even call Archer directly here, Kotomine takes pity on her and gives him to her!

Extra really does put effort in the most bizarre places.

Unlike Nero, who simply looked like Stay Night's Saber, Archer is the exact same guy.

And of course the first thing we see of Archer is his back. :v:

Showing self-restraint is difficult, regardless of one's age. I guess I'll just flounder around pointlessly.

...*Sigh* It pains me to acknowledge it, but since you're the only one here...

Now, with Tamamo and Nero this was a false choice that had them swiftly convince you to agree if you tried to say no.

But Archer?


How fortunate for you. Now close your eyes again and your request will be fulfilled.

Straight up lets you die if you say no.



As you might expect, the Fate/Stay Night Servant will be making constant callbacks to Fate/Stay Night.

But a contract is a contract. I'll lend you my power if you want and will fight for you until your wish ends. You were just shouting "Why?" a moment ago. There are very few people who know the answer to that question— —Well, it's not a bad wish, per se. I now pledge that I will fight by your side until your wish ceases to be.

Really, it's nothing to get worked up over. I'm not going to be at my best with a novice Master, though—

Stat-wise, Archer sits in between the extremes of Nero and Tamamo.

See? Middle of the road in damage, HP, and MP.

Music: School III

A young man dressed in crimson garb suddenly appears by the side of my bed. The man had earlier left an indelible impression on me— So he is what is called a Servant.

As the Holy Grail War has begun, monitoring my Master's condition is now a necessity. Before I go on, you did enter the Holy Grail War knowing what you were getting into, right?

Holy Grail War?/Of course.

Holy Grail War? I've heard mention of it, but what is it, exactly?

As always, Archer lies as naturally as he breathes.

Oh well, as our contract is official, verbally abusing you isn't going to help matters any. All right, perhaps I should start at the beginning and explain what the Holy Grail is?

That won't be necessary. The Holy Grail... It can't possibly be THAT Holy Grail? It's the basis of an entire body of western religious history and is said to perform miracles.

Another change. In the other two routes Hakuno just off-handedly describes the Grail in a single line.

Its form varies. It has been a cup and a large tree. One time it took the form of a human being. Cutting to the chase, in this place anything that grants wishes is considered a Holy Grail. Many moons ago, magi from all over created a framework in which they fought for the Holy Grail.

A small nod to Illya.

Magi...Wizards... It seems it is acknowledged that these words I can't get used to hearing somehow refer to myself. Whatever the case, it sounds like this Holy Grail War is a merciless fight for survival.

While there's no bloodier conflict, its structure has been aped many times.

This world's Holy Grail War is just another pale copy. Although there are some differences... For example, the rules. Servants and Wizards fight together and losers forfeit their Command Seals.

My eyes are drawn to my left hand where I've been marked with three strange symbols.

Once you're in, the only way out is to win the Grail or die. Easy enough to understand, right?

I doubt it's that simple. While I have a million questions, at least I know the basics now. And whether I want to be here or not, I'm now a participant in this Holy Grail War nonsense.

So, moving on... Do you know what a Servant is?

Sorry, I don't have a clue./Yes, of course.

Servants are re-creations of Heroic Spirits called to fight in the Holy Grail War. Only people whose names and deeds have survived the millennia become Heroic Spirits. Those people are reproduced here as Servants. Though some are more infamous than famous...

Saber. Lancer. Archer. Rider. Caster. Assassin. Oh and, of course, Berserker.

My true name? I don't remember it. ...Sorry, I couldn't resist. Not all Heroic Spirits are famous. You probably wouldn't know it even if I told you. For the time being, my abilities are far more important than my true name. Also, most Masters refer to their Servants by their class so as not to give away their identity.

So call me Archer. That and I do not see the point of revealing my true name during all of this.

And then we chat with Sakura.

Music: School IV

Gameplay-wise, I'll be sticking to this for pretty much the entire game.

Archer's starting stats.

And his Level 1 Matrix.

Kanshou and Bakuya posted:

A set of matched swords favored by Archer. Although extremely lethal, their mystical aspects make them useful for ceremonial and divination rituals. They are thought to have been created in the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history by the master smith Gan Jiang.

Anti-Magic (D) posted:

Cancels single-action spells. It also bestows magical resistance equal to that normally provided by a physical talisman such as an amulet.

Independence (C) posted:

This ability allows him to remain independent by rejecting any kind of support from his Master. When this skill reaches rank C, he can remain in the world for a single day without establishing a contract with a Master.

Talk to Rin.

Actually... It's really nostalgic to hear words like that. I'm just a magnet for girl problems...

Archer trails off into mumbling. The gist is about the two female Masters here, but I can't catch the details.

Talk to Kotomine.

And go check Archer's version of the private room.

Archer's pose is indentical to when he got summoned back in F/SN:

Well, whatever. It's not important how it looks, as long as we can talk strategy in here.

Be grateful we've been provided a space the prying eyes and ears of other Masters can't reach. I should come back when I need to talk with Archer.


Hmph, so this is headquarters? It's lacking in comfort, not that I'm in a position to complain. —Even a shabby room like this will feel like a king's palace after a few wins under our belt, Master.

Before you enter the Arena, I suggest you do any shopping or intel gathering first.

And off to the Arena.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

In onder to cull incompetent Masters, SE.RA.PH has turned a number of enemy programs loose here. It's the perfect place for a certain novice Master to train. Don't worry, I'll try to not let you die.

Gain a level.

Meet a bee.


Music: School III

I realized in the dungeon that my power level is limited by how much of it you can draw out of me.

Our only chance for winning is YOUR improvement. Can't say I'm thrilled at the odds of that going well... However, there's been times in the past where I've seen effort compensate for weakness. Starting tomorrow, you and I ought to train a lot more. I guarantee you won't regret putting in the time.

Next time: This is the third time we've been here, you should know what happens by now.