The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 124: Player Information Matrix - Saber (Final)

Player Information Matrix - Saber (Final)

Aestus Domus Aurea: Golden Theater of the Deranged posted:

A theater based on the palace Nero had built after her original one burned to the ground. Called the Domus Aurea, it was a grand villa built upon the ruins of the homes of the aristocracy that once covered the famed Esquiline Hill.

Historical accounts paint Nero as somewhat delusional, and she herself has claimed that she was an artist and performer of such incredible gifts that only the god Apollo could match her skills. She would often perform for the masses, but those spectators would frequently leave midway through her performances. She was so enraged by this obvious act of disrespect that she would order all entrances to the theater in which she was performing to be sealed until the final curtain fell.

This Noble Phantasm is based on the highest and most difficult principles of thaumaturgy and superficially resembles a Reality Marble, though its effects are far more pronounced. It creates a reality in which ones imperial aspirations can be fully realized.

Aestus Estus: The Embryonic Flame posted:

The hand-crafted crimson sword wielded by Saber when summoned by a Master. The following inscription has been engraved on the blade: regnum cael orum et gehenna.

The Great Fire of Rome posted:

July 19 , 64 AD.
A devastating fire erupted in one of the poorer districts of Rome and quickly spread throughout the city, reducing most of it to ashes. Contrary to popular belief, Nero quickly responded to the disaster and even contributed to relief efforts out of her own personal funds. While she became immensely popular with the comnon citizenry, her populist policies combined with her sometimes bizarre predilections earned her the ire of not only the higher castes, but also of historians who insist on painting her as a tyrant.

Anti-Magic (C) posted:

Nullifies minor spells consisting of chants of two verses or less. Ineffective against high-level thaumaturgy and the greater rituals. As Saber herself has a negligible resistance to magic, the effectiveness of this skill is pathetically low, even by the normal standard of the Saber class.

Royal Prerogative (EX) posted:

In response to the demands of a Master, skills that would otherwise be impossible to perform can be used for a short period of time. Some of the skills that can be acquired through this ability include those related to riding, weapons mastery, fine arts, military strategy, and diplomacy. Should an A rank be achieved, more esoteric skills become obtainable.

Migraine (B) posted:

A curse that was inherited from her place of birth during her mortal life. As a result of the crushing headaches inflicted by this condition, the effectiveness of mental skills decreases considerably. Another side effect that seems to concern Saber most is the fact that it prevents her from demonstrating what she considers her divine talent for the performing arts.

Character Background posted:

Nero reigned as emperor during the years 54 to 68 AD. Although most surviving contemporary accounts paint her as a vicious tyrant who disregarded the Senate and violently oppressed the nascent Christian movement, many scholars believe that these accounts were an attempt to discredit her, as she was incredibly popular with the citizenry.

Whatever the case, her infamy is such that some theorize that the Book of Revelations found in the Vulgate Bible was written as commentary on and reaction to her supposed repression of the Christian faith, and have gone so far as to make the case that Hebrew pronunciation of her imperial name (Caesar) —NRVN QSR— is the same as the phrase ”Number of the Beast.” However, this has been proven to be patently false, as that term commonly referred to Rome itself, and not to any one individual, royal or otherwise.

Nero the Tyrant posted:

Taking the name Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus upon her ascension to the imperial throne, she was the fifth emperor of the Roman Empire and the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, who had ruled Rome since its inception.

The daughter of the cousin of the fourth emperor Claudius, she was put upon the throne at the age of seventeen as a result of the devious scheming and possible mariticide by her mother, Julia Augusta Agrippina. Once on the throne, she immediately began to demonstrate her talents at administration as well as her ability to navigate the often murky political situation inherent in Roman government.

In addition to the above, Nero was also generally acknowledged to be a consumnate diplomat who preferred discussion and compromise to warfare and conflict. She was held in especially high esteem by both the peoples of Britannia and the leaders of the nations of Persia, who continued to refer to Rome as the "country of Nero" long after her death.

While popular abroad and with the lower castes at home, the Senate and the higher caste members of the empire grew weary of her populist policies, extravagant expenditures on public entertainments, and occasionally irrational repression of religious expression. In the year 68 AD, a series of revolts drove Nero from the throne and eventually to suicide. It was said that in her final hours she continually expressed her anguish that an artist such as herself had to die, but as those who betrayed her closed in she quoted a line from Homer's Iliad ("Hark, now strikes on my ear the trampling of swift-footed coursers!") and then drove a dagger into her throat.

Combat lines:

Battle start

Praetor, your orders?


Well then, let us write poetry with our blows.


Muhu, such a beautyless face.


Let us begin, master.


Leave it to me! I'll easily make them submit. (True Name Revealed)


Seems the masses aren't enjoying our presence. (True Name Revealed)


Umu, go without hesitation. (True Name Revealed)


Be gone. The fallen have no right to be on the stage. (Effigy battle)


Command Selection

Let's go, master! (Normal)


Not bad. Pretty good, actually. (High health)


Don't waver. Have some confidence. (High health)


You can count on me. (High health, True Name Revealed)


It's my time to shine! (High health, True Name Revealed)


Oh how precious you are. (High health, True Name Revealed)


Get up and try again. (Low health)


I'm starting to get bored. (Low health)


This is getting bad, Master. (Low health)


Don't make that face, believe in me. (Low health, True Name Revealed)


Sorry, I can't keep up... (Low health, True Name Revealed)


As long as I have you... (Low health, True Name Revealed)


Olympia plaudere! Open the gates! Raise the curtains for the star! (NP ready)


Praetor! My true name! (NP ready)


Let's dance to our hearts content. (Effigy battle)


Pay attention and see why information gathering is crucial! (Week 1 Day 4 vs Shinji)


Let's cut these fools down for good this time.

Well it's too bad, but I can't just let you guys do what you want.

Ha! We'll be the ones to end it! (Week 1 Elimination Battle)


Oh, you're fighting me fair-and-square? What's the deal, Archer?

My master's eccentric, that's all. Either way, this'll be fun!

Exactly, Archer. You can beat any Heroic Spirit with your power. (Week 2 Elimination Battle)


I know you want to be sympathetic, but this is a battle as well. Be prepared.

Aha, can you even do that, red princess?

Let's play more and more! (Week 3 Elimination Battle)


Do not falter! You may use a command seal! Do what you think is best! (Route split vs Lu Bu)


My bloodline and yours run afoul.

Silence. Let my spear send you to purgatory, you tyrannical devil! (Week 4 Elimination Battle, Rin route)


Let's beat this ancient monster, Master!

Ooh, my god looks pleased! Let heaven's thunder rain upon you! (Week 4 Elimination Battle, Rani route)


A formidable assassin... We'll stop your fiendish fists here!

What strong words, Saber. I'll enjoy this.

This play is over. Die like a dog. (Week 5 Elimination Battle)


Be careful! This isn't just a normal doll! (Week 6 effigy battle)


Champion, take up your spear. I'll answer your challenge in my Praetor's place.


Urgh... (Week 6 Elimination Battle, Rin route)


My bitter enemy, take out your lance.

Ah, you're a reasonable tyrant. Emperium's such a flashy name though. (Week 6 Elimination Battle, Rani route)


This is my mercy to you. I'll overcome your persistence and skill this time for good.

AAAAAAAAAA! (Week 7, Day 1 vs Julius)


Please, do not hold back. Fight me without any regrets.

Well said, king in training! My sword will tell if there's truly a sun that will never set! (Week 7 Elimination Battle)


Praetor, my final victory for you is at hand. All rests on my sword. All for my lovable hero!

I'll extinguish that passion here. The karmic weight of your sins as a tyrant will be your downfall. Your sword will break here. (Final Battle)


A master of death is no problem. We'll fly past the grim reaper that waits for us all!

There's an end even to eternity, red one. I'll end your golden theater's performance here! (Bonus boss)


Commands confirmed

Alright, let us begin.


Gaze upon me!


Great spirit.


Leave it to me!


We'll win this together!


Normal attacks


How unelegant. (Guard)


Well then. (Guard)


I won't let you! (Guard)


Come try again! (Counter)


It's time to give up! (Counter)


How rude! (Counter)


How stubborn. (Break)


I'll crush you! (Break)


Don't move! (Break)


Splendid, Praetor! (Extra turn)


This is delightful! (Consecutive Extra turn)


Take this! (Extra attack)


I have you now! (Extra attack)


Master support

I'll return your faith in me!


How thoughtful.


Keep going!


I won't miss this chance!




Don't test me!


Argh, did we misread them? (Enemy Extra turn)


Augh, so disappointing! (Consecutive Enemy Extra turn)


How foolish a mistake... (Defeated)


I'm sorry... Please live, master... (Defeated, True Name Revealed)




You may leave now. (Normal)


And with that, I win. (Normal)


Your loyalty is commendable. (Normal)


How uninspiring. (Normal)


You fought bravely. (Normal, True Name Revealed)


Disappear with the wind. (Normal, True Name Revealed)


Umu, I approve. (Normal, True Name Revealed)


Applause for you! (High health)


What splendid commands you gave! (High health)


Splendid! Nothing less from my Praetor! (High health, True Name Revealed)


What, don't you have something to say to me? (Low health)


You were careless, Master. (Low health)


I showed you something unsightly... Please forgive me. (Low health, True Name Revealed)


You're responsible for what just happened too! (Low health, True Name Revealed)




It's my turn. Veil of petals! (Veil of Petals)


Curtains, fall! Veil of petals! (Veil of Petals)


Wounds of the saint, burn! (Fount of the Saint)


Gather, fountain of flames! (Fount of the Saint)


Gather, fountain of snakes! (Fount of the Healer)


This dance of blades is for you! (Artillery/Thunderous Applause)


Well then, dance for me! (Artillery/Thunderous Applause)


Heavens, once more your blessing! (Thrice-setting Sun)


Muse's divine protection, protect the supreme arts! (Thrice-setting Sun)


Your loyalty is just! (Auto-revive)


Wounds of the saint, become my grief! (Fount of Chronos)


The sword of punishment is here! (Fount of Chronos)


Praetor, this sword is to serve you! (Blossom of the Court)


Regnum caelorum et gehenna. Rise, my glorious heaven! Show your supreme light! (Theater of the Deranged)


Behold my genius and listen to the thunderous applause... You may take a seat and cheer... at my Golden Theater! (Theater of the Deranged)