The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 88: Update LXXIV - Insect from hell

Update LXXIV - Insect from hell

This update covers the events of Updates VII-X.

Music: Duel of Fate

Rin gets touchy.

Then calls us weak.

Those are fighting words, Master. When we meet her in battle, I will give her my answer to them.

Unlike my Servant, I have no witty response to my future rival. I have to win. Now that I know what's at stake, I have to win.

Music: School II

Talk to Kotomine.

Get the room key.

(Assume that I'm always talking to Taiga until I get the week's decor item.)

And go check our room.

Music: Down to Dawn

Compared to Tamamo's room, Saber's is a lot more... ornate.

I shall make it my audience chamber. If you have any grievances, you may address them to me here.

I'm relieved at both Saber's good mood and the fact that my private room was prepared. I should come back here when I want to talk to Saber.

What's wrong? You should be already accustomed to this school. Stop your running about, and relax as I have.

Though— I sympathize with having nerves on one's first campaign. Cherish that fleeting feeling.

Meanwhile the default chat for this week is:

I do not feel like talking. You should focus on preparing for combat.

Music: School IV

Heeeeeey, you remember this guy?

You know...

Update VII posted:



See, for whatever reason, the translators changed his lines.

The problem is that said new lines are either a complete non-sequitur without context, or spoils a late game plot point with context.

So I'm not even going to dignify him with a conversation. He can stand here, utterly silent, until he dies.

This guy! Since we've already beat the game, we can finally see what he has to say!

It's more surprising that Tohsaka's participating in this Holy Grail War. It's sobering.

See what I mean?

He'll also be the last generic Master I'll be talking to for the rest of the LP, as no one gets new lines based on your Servant.


I recommend that you complete all your shopping and data gathering before entering the Arena.

Time for dungeons!

It'll probably be less horrible than Tamamo's first outing!

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Enemy programs created by the SE.RA.PH roam the Arena, but fear them not while I am by your side!

I'll be mostly skipping past dungeons too, since we've already seen what they have to offer.

If I am ever injured in battle, please use whatever item is necessary to assuage both our worries.

The third NG+ bonus kicks in here.

Music: Battle - First Chimeric Lunar Sea

In NG+ all enemy data carries over, letting you walk into any enemy with at least three moves revealed.

And since we'll be getting even more info on this run, by the time we reach Archer's playthrough it won't be uncommon to get five or six revealed moves for the entire game.

Bosses are still capped at three moves a turn with a Level E Matrix, however.

Hakuno will also be shoving powder down Saber's throat every single turn.

By the time I burn through that stack of Ether Powder, I'll be set for her room conversations.

God, this is so much nicer than Tamamo!

Sure, it'll even out when late game transitions to All Skills All The Time and Saber lacks any easy MP recovery, but still!

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

I'm still grabbing all the loot. I need to gain levels anyways, and any excess stuff I have by the end I can sell off for even more money.

Speaking of, I gain a level on the way to the Crix.

And leave.

Music: School III

Because of your deficiencies, I am unable to manifest my full glory. But, do not worry yourself. Having my original abilities available for use is not important.

There is no shame in being a novice; in fact, the possibilities of what you may become are exciting.

Tomorrow we'll make another effort in the Arena, and we'll improve together little by little. It's a trivial matter. As long as you have me, we'll keep going.

I just noticed. There's no timer on the day change today.

Music: School IV

Get our opponent.

Learn about Triggers.

Then autopilot myself completely past Shinji. :v:


I went back and checked with Tamamo, and she randomly mixes up Shinji's gender too. The hell???

His total lack of respect and maturity is truly disgusting! He needs to be thoroughly beaten. Master, let us be on our way. Anything I do must be perfect, down to the smallest detail. I will educate that vermin as to the extent of his sin against us with the blade of my sword.

Music: Fear

But this may be a good chance to obtain information. Why don't we follow them while they're in the Arena? Oh, and be warned that if you miss the chance to learn something, that information may be lost forever. Also, you can only enter the Arena once a day. Make sure you thoroughly explore it before exiting.

Hi Shinji.

You never know what will become of such a meeting, but perhaps we can learn more about their plans.

Saber says nothing for this.

Music: Duel - Unauthorized Battle

This fight is even more of a joke, what with Saber's significantly higher HP.

However, it was foolhardy of him to exhibit the extent of his power merely for sport. If his Servant uses projectile weapons it's possible that her class might be Archer, but I'm not 100% sure.

Are you not glad that you inspected the Arena as I instructed? This is how you succeed in the Holy Grail War.

Indeed! A suitable response, Praetor! But do not feel the need to hold back in your praise of me! Keep in mind that this conflict is also a race against time. We may not see our foes tomorrow, so- Some information may only be available on a specific day. It's imperative you actively explore the Arena often.

I'm not sure if she's used it yet, but 'Praetor' is Saber's alternate term for Master. A Praetor is a term used for high ranking Roman officials. The specific term Saber uses can also be translated as 'Maestro', and there's even an option in the Perfect Patch to do just that!

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

The Mystic Codes are useless now, but at least I can sell them for cash.

I have no need to buy the shop Mystic Codes now, so the cash is also useless.

I gain a level on the way to the Trigger.

but this place is no different than the aquarium I kept at home.

Saber, thankfully, doesn't get any poorly foreshadowed reveals that will get forgotten about till the end of the game.

We still have to deal with the Crix to get the Trigger.

But dealing with him on Day 2 is so much easier when you get this much info.

So this is a Trigger. Kotomine said that there are two per round, so do not forget to obtain the second one.

Music: School III

If we could get information on them, many plans could be made to get them to taste my blade.

One cannot be a hero without their name being known. That is why I take great pains to hide my identity.

Gaining information on the enemy's identity while veiling my own is a sure road to victory.

Music: School IV

For that reason, you must drain the campus of information every single day. When you enter the Arena, you forfeit any further investigation for that day. Humans do not replicate their actions, so what you miss one day is gone forever. So make a habit of investigating campus and listening to others before entering the Arena. Do you understand?

I understand.

Indeed. Then, let us initiate today's investigation.

Shinji fucks up.

Though difficult, it is vital that we scour the Arena and the campus for valuable information. Investigating our foe was the correct course of action, just as I said.

To make sure we don't overlook anything, we should continue our searches of the Arena and campus. More info could come to light with every new day. Do not allow your diligence to flag, ever!

Hop in.

Gain a level.

Hop out.

Music: School III

Next time: Saber becomes a psychic.