Part 11: Page 11: Aesop's Fables
Page 11: Aesop's FablesAnd our prize for beating the final level of Mimic that Melody is...

Rather lackluster. We can't do anything with this yet, but we'll be back.

Now time for one of the more annoying games. We're back to falling down the vine again.

We've got a long way to go. We have another six unlockables to go.

I seem to remember this minigame being harder.

I really did have trouble with this game back in the day.

We don't get anything new here except for unlocking Versus level 4 and Trial Mode.

I want to just take a break here to do trial mode. It's so much easier and less stressful.

Trial Mode is, as usual, slightly different from the Versus Mode. In this case, we have three lives to get as many coins as possible.

All we need is 20 points, so after that point I just want it to end. Why waste my time and yours?

5 and 20 points nets us these cards respectively.

10 points gets us a new epilogue. Away we go!

The boy made it down the beanstalk at an incredible pace, with the townsfolk's treasure tucked tightly under his arm. Titan, moving at a frenzied, uncontrollable pace, lost his mighty grip in the vine. After falling several dozen stories, he smashed through the ground and fell deep below into the underworld, knocking himself out for weeks. The boy returned the treasure to the townsfolk, and everyone was overjoyed. Amongst the treasure was a peculiar goose.

The goose stayed close to the boy at all times, so he was left with no choice but to take it home and care for it. The goose turned out to be magic! Every day, it laid a single, beautiful golden egg. Thanks to the golden eggs, the boy became fabulously rich and lived happily ever after.
Everybody should recognize this one. It's flat out using the story.

We're not talking to her yet. This is where the egg shows up - I missed the screenshot.

Anyway, back to Versus. We had a nice break, but we have to do this at some point.

It's getting kinda stupid when I sit and wait for the computer to be less terrible.

You. You are the bane of my existence right now.

Jarro, you son of a bitch. Now, normally I would be transposing his dialogue, but I thought his model was too amusing:

Bwahahah that model.

Jumping into this one in media res, so we can just get it over with. This minigame is remarkably dull. Just draw a line to the left, then to the right. The controls are a little weird thanks to the whole scrolling thing, but I'll live.

All we're left with is one of those 'get to the hole' ball puzzles you play on your graphing calculator. Boring, same-y, and only challenging when you start screwing up.

Here's our final epilogue.

The boy made it down the beanstalk at an incredible pace, with the townsfolk's treasure tucked tightly under his arm. Titan, moving at a frenzied, uncontrollable pace, lost his mighty grip in the vine. After falling several dozen stories, he smashed through the ground and fell deep below into the underworld, knocking himself out for weeks. The treasure that the boy had taken from Titan's shrine was not all gold and silver, however. There were two very special bags. One contained the "imperfections of oneself," and the second contained "imperfections of others."

As he carried the bags back to the village, the boy kept the bag containing the "imperfections of others" in front of him, while making sure the "imperfections of oneself" were slung over his shoulder, out of sight. Because of this, all people would come to ignore their own imperfections and only concern themselves with those of the people around them. Titan, with all of his imperfections stolen by the boy, grew stronger and stronger below the ground. Very few people know this is the reason that earthquakes are impossible to predict and almost impossible to defend against.
This, ignoring the whole Titan part, is a reference to some fable or other. Unfortunately, I can't recall the name and it seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. If you know it, feel free to post it in the thread and I'll credit you for it.

Sorry for the darkness. Unfortunately, this is the best I could get. If you can't see, there's another book in an old ruined house.
Anyways, that's all for Titan and the Beanstalk. We've got both books complete.

This is going to be quick.

All we have to do is play Versus 5.

After this game's Trial Mode, I had no problems with it at all.

And our final epilogue for this volume.

While the two spirits fought, the travelers had no trouble snatching up all the lasans. After seeing this, Shiva and Ifrit began to battle even more fiercely than before. Their fighting went on and on until they both grew weary. Just at that moment...
"Oh, no!"
The great tree had begun to wither after being bombarded by ice and fire.
"We have to do something!"
"Fine! I'll help!"

The two worked together to create a warm pool of water made from melted ice. They poured it onto the tree and restored its health.
"Thank goodness you noticed in time."
"But I couldn't have done it without you."
The two shook hands. Then something truly miraculous happened! The carbon dioxide given off by Ifrit's inferno was frozen by Shiva's power and turned into dry ice! Using dry ice, which is far colder than normal ice, the two were able to preserve the fruit of the great tree for ever and ever.
That's... surprisingly scientifically accurate. Fire does give off CO2, so long as the flammable item is carbon-based.

That, however, is not. Trees don't just shatter and melt away after they're frozen. For that to be true, every single bit of the tree would have had to turn to ice. Not just get frozen, but be molecularly changed to H20. If it were just a frozen tree, you'd have tree shards everywhere.
I don't know why I'm looking at the physics of this game, but hey. Whatever.

Back to our regularly scheduled LPing, we've got two more levels to go on Symphonic Survivor.

Awww wookit da wittle hamster.

Honestly, there are only so many ways I can talk about "Okay, this minigame happens and now we've won." I'm starting to run out.

Clop! Clop! Clop! Toot! Toot! Toot! Clang! Clang! Clang! Mal-mal-mal-boro!
The music of Unicorn and his friends led the malboros out to the river and saved the town. However, the mayor refused to pay the promised reward, and so the town musicians led away all the children with an enchanting tune. Soon after, the malboros returned to the town in even greater hordes! Their breath spawned foul mushrooms that grew all over the town. This fungi gave rise to a terrible pestilence. If the children, young and lacking resistance to the disease, had been in town.. it would have been a catastrophe!

The town musicians had foreseen the whole terrible situation and acted with outstanding prudence! Once the disease was brought under control, they led the children back to town. The mayor was overcome with gratitude, and regretted deceiving the musicians in the first place. From that day on, he never broke his word again.
So the moral of this story is "It's okay to be a dick so long as your actions end up helping people". Neat.

I'll give you three guesses as to what this does. Here's a hint: geyser.

This marks the few times that rolling into another player actually did something. I'm so proud of me.



Abort! Abort! Protocol 'Get the fuck away from crazy person' engaged!

Oh. It's a warp. A rather useless warp that nevertheless saved me from having to walk an extra three screens.

First on our list of prizes, the card behind the tree.

Aw, it's okay, Boco. It's a good card.

Well then. That music's depressing. This place has been open ever since the first epilogue of Shiva and Ifrit. If we had come there before that, we'd have gotten blocked by a super strength spider web.

And the inside is just as torn and beaten up as the outside. Someone needs to hire a maid.
Next time: We explore the