Part 14: Page 14: Around the World in 80 Days
Page 14: Around the World in 80 Days

So I guess I have to do this at some point, right? Ah well.

This mode is slightly different. You have 30 seconds to collect as many luchilles as possible. There are other people trying to get said luchilles as well, but it shouldn't be a problem thanks to the unlimited chances you have. Just keep flinging yourself up there and you'll be fine.

Overall, not a hard game.

We've unlocked both Versus 4 and Indy. Guess which one matters more.

Here's a hint: it's not this guy.

Indy is by far the most verbose chocobo we'll have to deal with. Thankfully.

Well, on to our next versus level.

Versus 4 is almost exactly the same as Versus 3, with just an extra body to suck up fire, ice, and luchilles.

Hey, I just noticed those symbols in the background. Fire and Ice. Cool.

We've unlocked Versus 5, the final mode, and an epilogue.

Shiva and Ifrit both did their best to get in the way of the travelers. However, the skilled travelers had no problem gathering up all the luchilles they wanted. Upon seeing this, Ifrit's expression turned into one of utter disbelief. Then he suddenly called out.
"Haha! You fools! Those luchilles aren't even ripe yet! Their tartness will make you eyes water!
"Take them! We don't mind!"
Even as the two spirits laughed openly, they knew the real fact of the matter in their hearts. Those luchilles were perfectly ripe. And plenty delicious.

"Those... fools... yeah.."
"How could they be... so stupid?"
After sharing a quick grin, Shiva looked to the side and let out an ice-cold sigh of discontent.
This storyline is essentially "Sour Grapes with Final Fantasy characters". Nothing special.

The epilogue has opened up an ice bridge for us to cross. Onwards!



Peekaboo is going to be constantly shaking the ice by stomping on it. A cool animation, with no good place to capture it.

The super happy face icon for Peekaboo is kinda funny with that line. I don't know why, but I find it funny.

Oh hey, there's an airship. I was wondering when one of those would show up.

Hooray! Cid is here. Cid, a recurring character in the Final Fantasy games, made a bunch of games and technology for the island and left it scattered around. The graphics are usually retro, so they're sometimes fun.

Hey buddy, don't look at the camera. Or a mirror. Anything that might cast a reflection, for that matter.

No, of COURSE not. Fucking Job Juggler...
Queue a shaking of the screen.

This is as far as I can get you. Sorry. You'll have to shake the screen by yourself.

Wait, we will?

I absolutely refuse to type that line. Just no.

So maybe this jailbird has a reaction to seeing a giant airship crash in front of him?
Pfft, no. Of course not.

Back to where we were, we can continue.

There's no air bubble this time. I don't know why that stands out, it just does. Apparently Boco is just magic.

This happens to be one of those coreshells Cid was talking about. We can't get to it yet, thanks to the fact that it's isolated on a ledge with no way to get to it.

Unfortunately, there's no way for us to continue.

Or is there?

This is our newest book series, The Boy Who Cried Leviathan.

Once upon a time, in a quiet little village by the sea, lived a very mischievous boy. One day, he decided to have himself a bit of fun. He ran around the village yelling, "Leviathan's on his way! There's gonna be a tidal wave!"
The villagers went into a frenzy as they ran from their houses to get as far away from the water as possible. The boy loved feeling in control. He felt just as mighty as the aquatic king himself! "Leviathan's on his way! There's gonna be a tidal wave!"
The boy continued his trickery day after day. As time went on, the villagers stopped trusting the boy. Soon, nobody in the village would believe a word he said. But then one day, Leviathan actually did appear, rising from the depths with malice in his eyes! Leviathan splashed a mighty wave at the boy, and the vicious undertow sucked him into the water. Then Leviathan set off after his prey, baring his mighty fangs. The boy started swimming as fast as his little arms and legs could take him. But would he be able to escape from the king of the sea...?

The challenge of 150m is remarkably difficult. You'll see.

So this game... It's strangely difficult for a game where you move the stylus to go up and don't move it to go down. You have one life, so don't screw up. Near the end of those 150m, the size of the passage gets really tiny.

And when you screw up you get eaten


We've got a lot of stuff. Each of those rewards was for 10m, 100m, and 150m respectively.

We get an epilogue for making it 20 meters. Somewhat easy, but since this is plot important they can't make it TOO challenging.

The boy escaped from the menacing Leviathan! He stuck his nose high into the air and declared to the villagers, "Leviathan was a fool to think he could catch me! King of the sea? I sure showed him!"

Leviathan hear the boy's boasting and said, "Since it seems you want to attract so much attention..."
Suddenly, the prideful boy's nose grew to three times its ordinary size! He was chided by all the other boys and girls-- and even by some of the adults! "Hey, check out the long-nosed numbskull!"
And so the little boy finally "nose" how important it is to be honest...and humble.
This is a play on the Pinocchio story. As should be obvious.

This bridge connects us to the coreshell we saw earlier.

Coreshell get. There we go, that's one down.

Off to Versus 3, the next challenge we have to succeed at.

The Versus modes are actually pretty fun. It's Trial Mode with less urgency thanks to the three lives. It's actually pretty fun, though not really any different from Trial mode. My favorite part of the video is that all of us hit the same obstacle every time.

The stupidest part is that Greeble and Peekaboo died with the same distance. How amusing.

We've unlocked Versus 4 and the next epilogue.

The boy had managed to stay ahead of Leviathan and was fast approaching land. "If I can just get out of the water, I'll be safe," he said. However, things took a turn for the worse when he made it to dry ground. Leviathan turned himself into a serpentine tornado and continued the chase! "Somebody help! Leviathan's after me!" screamed the boy as he neared the village. But, of course, nobody believed him. "Please believe me! Look, he's right behind me!"
A large fish-thing just turned into a tornado. How does nobody else see that?

But as the boy turned around to point, the tornado had already vanished without a trace. "I knew it! You're nothing but a rotten liar!" The adults of the village became very angry with the boy. Liars never gain from their devious acts. They only suffer in the end.
What do you think a fish tornado would change in the real world?

Why, it removes a whirlpool, of course.

Let's see what happens next. I've stopped caring what happens with those books.
Next time: She sells seashells by the seashore