Part 17: Page 17: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Page 17: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanshipwhy did i pick some stupid gimmick for the chapter titles oh god why
i am suddenly and fully regretting this decision

The chapters are going by pretty quickly. If I were actually playing the game straight instead of just playing for a half-hour now and again, they'd be going by even faster.
What I'm saying is that this is not a long game.


You'd think that would be one of the first things Cid would try, wouldn't you? 'Oh I can't get here by airship. There does seem to be a path I could walk to the tower, though. Oh well, too bad.'

We already have two, and the third is ready for the taking.

But before we do that, let's chat with our Chocobo friends that were rescued. First on our list is Indy.

Oh god damn it I forgot about his vocabulary.

And she sells seashells by the sea shore. Bite me.

Now then, let us begin. As one may be able to ascertain by the film presented just previously, these 'magnets' are in no way mystifying. The most immediate constraint is that set by our speed; the requirement for a golden rank is strict. The approximate amount of delay that can be given to each round is just under five seconds; each puzzle must be completed in under ten total. As such, the breakdown should follow this pattern: magnets, path, puzzle. Both the genesis and the end goal have the direction marked as part of the puzzle. In addition, each puzzle requires the use of both every chalk marking and every provided magnet to be complete. Therefore, certain pieces can be immediately disregarded as the first and final pieces should be obvious. From that point onward, the task is simply to follow the line to its predetermined completion.

Ah, there we are. This seems to be a satisfactory outcome.

See, I can use my vocabulary as well. This actually reminds me of something I have to keep in mind; occasionally I'll use words I learned from reading and my friends will just look at me until I reword my statement.

Alright, enough out of you. Now, to someone with fewer lines...

Yes, you'll do.

What friends? The only people in this world are Boco, Bebuzzu, and bit players that exist solely to be plot devices.

Okay, that's nice. It almost makes up for that JRPG heart crap.

Joe's also a cool dude.

But fuck Joe, Carbuncle's here!

Canonically, Boco's never lost. Because of LP.

Bye, buddy! You're the best.

This guy had used too much bleach, but we fixed his uniform. Really,

Snarky commentary multiple choice time!
A) 'If that was 31 flavors, I'd point to it being a Baskin-Robbins reference. Instead, I'm forced to assume he's a deck of cards.'
B) 'You're of average Chocobo size! That means you have average guts! Rip and tear!'
C) 'Please, no Jailbird is threatening. Even those with so-called ninja moves. I knew a kid like that once. He tried to show off his ninja-ness but ended up tripping over his feet and falling on his face. I never knew a 6th grader could cry that much.'
D) 'Deck of Drakengard reference! NINJA!'
D is the all of the above option. Please don't pick D.

Coreshell get. This is the third and final needed one, but we're going to clear out this place before going any further. Because I don't want to come back here more than I have to.

Speaking of returning to old places...

The final challenge. Thankfully - I don't really like this game.

It's the fifth level of this game. The game is tedious, boring, and I don't like it.

I don't care that we tied.

In all honesty, my dislike stems from the abysmal controls than anything else. For the life of me, I can't fling Boco accurately.

We get our third and final epilogue for beating Volg in a one-on-one battle, though. War's good for something after all

Shiva and Ifrit both did their best to get in the way of travelers. However, the skilled travelers had no problem gathering up all the luchilles they wanted.
"I think it's safe to say who got the best of us," said Ifrit, pointing at the victorious travelers.
"I can't argue with that. They took all our precious fruit."
"Looks like the jokes on us." Ifrit let out a great sigh and Shiva began laughing. The fiery spirit resigned himself as well, and the pair shared a hearty chuckle.

Shiva laughed so hard she cried. The teardrops were heated by Ifrit's flames and evaporated into the sunlight. Suddenly, a great rainbow appeared and stretched across the heavens. It was almost as if the rainbow glistened in silent celebration of the bond between the two spirits.
So tears of laughter got burnt and now there's a rainbow. I'm sure that makes sense to someone somewhere, but I'm tired and I can't make this link up in my mind properly.

Oh? A place we haven't been? We must rectify this situation.

...later, of course. Next up is Underwater Escapades.

Fuck Underwater Escapades.

Seriously, look how small that is! And I have really terrible controls.

Even Boco just wants to drown by this point.

Fun fact: recording Underwater Escapades makes everything lag for some reason. It's some effect they used for the bottom screen, but it's terrible and makes things even more awkward.

In addition to unlocking Versus 5, we also rescue Bruce. Bruce is one of the few Chocobos that we saw at the beginning of the game.

He was sitting here, fishing.

Hey, you know what's worse than dealing with Versus 4?

Versus 5.

The path is so tiny!

I hate Leviathan.

At least we're done with this stupid minigame.

The boy escaped from the menacing Leviathan! "Listen, everyone! I raced Leviathan and won!"
But, of course, nobody believed him. "I swear! I'm not lying this time! I promise!"
"Oh yeah?" said one of the villagers. "Then race him again where we can all see!"
"So you were lying?"
"No! And I'll prove it," the boy cried. "Leviathan, I challenge you to another race!"

At that very instant, Leviathan appeared in a great gush of water. "Very well -- but this time, I won't go so easy on you!" After hearing that, the boy dove into the waters, never to be seen again.
This is the 'canonical' epilogue, mainly because this is how Leviathan and the boy get set up for book 2.

Our result is the unlocking of the Leviathan chest. Huzzah.

Up next is all the piggies.

I really am getting tired of March de Chocobo. I've started turning off the in-game music and just listening to stuff I have on iTunes instead. It's much less stressful.

Oh, this is the complete second house, by the way. In case anyone was wondering.

I doubt anyone was wondering.

This is where I would normally say something witty, but I can't think of something that wouldn't be a repeat. Ah well. Just substitute some other joke I made this update.

Motherfucking Tonberry, so fucking cute...

And our final challenge, beating Versus 5 by any means necessary.

I want to take this time to whine about something. This game cheats egregiously. Volg knows exactly where every piece is, where it fits, and when it won't. I, on the other hand, am limited to this tiny little window where I can see maybe 10% of the field? If I wasn't using savestates, this game would be nearly impossible to beat. I think this might be one of the few I never completed when I played through the game the first time.

Because GOD DAMN it's hard. Especially with Volg bolting after all the good pieces right away. It helps that Boco moves faster than Volg does, but I'm not gifted with some special knowledge of which piece goes where.

As you can tell, I barely won this round. And that was thanks to my strategy of 'Volg, place a piece. Now I snatch up the house.'

The last epilogue.

This one is the traditional piggies outcome. Just in case you were wondering and hadn't grasped the pattern yet.
"Build it here, in the grassy plains!" Father Piggy called out. Then they went to work.
The eldest brother used his quick feet to run around and gather all the straw in the village. In the blink of an eye, he had put together a fine house made of straw. The middle brother used his strength to gather wood and had soon assembled an even finer house made of wood. The youngest brother took his time, and after both of his brothers hand finished, he deftly constructed a sturdy-looking house made of bricks.
My Father Piggy just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn't it?

Their father inspected the houses and then declared, "The most excellent house is the one made of brick!" He pointed approvingly at the house his youngest son had built.
The two older brothers were shocked. "Father, is these something wrong with your eyes? What is so wonderful about that house?"
Their father responded, "Remember what I told you? The grassy plains are full of vicious Tonberries! A house made of straw or wood certainly wouldn't last long out here."
And so the youngest brother, as slow and skinny as he was, married his kind and beautiful piggy bride, and they lived happily ever after.
Hey now Tonberries are cute as fuck, man. This one even helped us build our house!

And speaking of building things, the debris from that other set of stairs is gone.

Before we do that, though, one last stop. And it's

Maybe Volg can give us some challenge?


Poor Volg. This game must exist only to be easy. Actually, on second thought it was probably designed that way; it needs to be cleared to progress in the game, after all.

Oh my god Volg I am so so sorry. I still think you're cool.

For clearing with 20+ points, we get this.

For clearing, we get this.

In case you haven't noticed, with the exception of one microgame that shall not be named, I've been more or less sailing through this game.
fuck Jelly Jiggler

Anyway, back to here. And what's on this island, you might ask?

A warp geyser, you might be answered.

Over the rainbow, though... That's our real prize.

Because there's a new microgame for everyone to enjoy.

If by enjoy you mean get mad at, then yes. This game is frustrating only because it's so simple. Tap where you want the block, and it goes there. You don't even have to worry about controlling the Chocobo. It's so simple and yet the developers got so nasty with it that I'm slightly impressed. That one little part where I had to break the block he was on to get the piece directly below him took several tries to get right.
The worst part is, this is an easy microgame to make. It's really simple, actually; just have the chocobo object check if it can go forward or go up and forward, and if not then turn around. Rinse, repeat, replay. I could probably make a graphically-simplified version of this microgame in about an hour, maybe two. Even the tapping of the blocks is easy - just have some boolean set to not-solid, then when it's tapped set it to solid. Super easy, and like I said I could probably have it set up in about an hour, two at the most.

But win we do, as usual.

No witty banter this time; it's a statue. Statues don't talk.
Don't be ridiculous.

Bruce, on the other hand. Bruce talks.

That 'another' worries me, a little. Did I miss something? This dialogue is because we already got the epilogue that spawned all those fish, remember?

And last, but certainly mostly least, is Zavi.

Goddamn, old timer. You're certainly garrulous.

Now that I think about it, maybe it would have been better to show the top screen too? Oh well. Anyway, Up, Up, and A- you know what, let's just call it Up. Up is actually skill-based, something that shocked me too. You have to aim for the perfect 45 degree angle or you won't make it.

You'll make it just too far away and briefly go incoherent with rage

Anyway, this is as far as I could make it with multiple tries.

Oh boy. Tera Flare. It's probably Mega Flare but poorly translated.

And that's our upgraded version.
Next time: It's the Tower of Babil. Fuck.