Part 19: Page 19: Atlas Shrugged
Page 19: Atlas ShruggedShort update today. Mainly because it's all about the minigames.

We've got to take the second elevator up because there's nothing else to do on this floor. There's a yellow card on the bottom, but we can't get to it right away.

That's...a clock. Huh.

Oh god damn it. At least it's a new book. That's good, right? ...right?

Fuck if I know, Cid. Croma walks up to Booko and Cid.

Shirma walks up. Awkward~ Just no, Croma.

She's saying what we're all thinking!

You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you to hell!

An image of Shirma appears, behind Cid and facing away from the camera.


You got that right. Also, that ending was out of left field.

Unfortunately, this is our only choice of moving forward.

Gee, I wonder what story this is based on?

Once upon a time, there was a sweet young girl named Mini Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandmother was frightened by a sudden bolt of lightning and threw out her back. Red, being the kind girl she was, decided to take some medicine to her sick grandmother. But her mother warned her,
"Don't linger along the way, dear. It's getting dark, and the forecast is calling for thunderstorms!"
Red ignored her mother's warning and set off leisurely towards the forest in which her grandmother lived. Suddenly, the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance. Red looked up to Ramuh, the god of thunder, and said,
"What loud noises you make!"
"All the better to warn people to run for safety, my child."
"What bright flashes you make!"
"All the better to light the path of escape, my child."
"Cut the benevolent act! 'Fess up to why you destroy so many trees and houses!"
Even the mighty Ramuh couldn't come up with a good answer to that question. As Ramuh got more disgruntled, the thunderstorm became worse and worse. Would Red be able to make it to her grandmother's house?

This game isn't really that bad. It's only irritating for one reason.

See, the reason this game is irritating is because of, you guessed it, the controls. Again. If you didn't notice, the screen zooms in quite a bit when you're moving around your character. As it winds up, you can't really see where you're going until you're there. As such, you'll often run into the obstacles without knowing they're even there.

Overall, not a hard game. Just tedious.

The symbol is a lightning bolt, the universal sign for 'holy fuck this thing is shocking me oh god oh god pain is coursing through my body'.

Two more cards. These two counter any blue decks.

Also, a wild epilogue has appeared.

Red was rushing along the way to her grandmothers house wearing the glass slippers she received from the witch, when suddenly, the prince from the nearby castle appeared before her! As the prince laid his eyes on the lovely and curvy Red, his heart skipped a beat.
"Young lady, I beseech you to cast aside that hood, so I might gaze upon your elegant beauty without hindrance."
But Red had been taught by her parents that men were nothing but wolves when it came to women, so she sped off quickly as soon as he finished his request. She dashed off in such a hurry, though, that one of the glass slippers slipped off and was retrieved by the handsome prince.

The prince returned to the castle at once and opened its gates to all the people in all the land. Women flocked from across the countryside to have a chance at trying on the shoe and winning the prince's heart. Unfortunately for the prince, the glass slipper ended up being a one-size-fits-all, and he never found his one true love after all.
This is clearly a reference to the story of Cinderella. Don't ask me where the glass slippers, witch, or prince came from. I don't know.

The result of getting that epilogue is a trippy door opening. Also, there's that yellow card I was discussing earlier.

Normally, I wouldn't show this, but it's one screen away. What the hell. (It's this tower's warp back to the mainland)

Anyway, back to the book.

This one's not too difficult. It helps that it's the exact same as Trial Mode. What I'm saying is that you can skip this video (even though everyone does already (you jerks))

Slightly slower, but that's because I don't have to rush, unlike the time before.

It's kinda sad these two are that far behind me.

Epilogue get!

Startled by the sound of the thunder and blinded by the glare of lightning, Red still managed to make it to her grandmother's house. Grandma's back problems were fixed in a jiffy as soon as she took a gulp of the medicine Red brought for her.
"Ramuh is one nasty fellow, causing so much trouble for you," complained Red.
But her grandmother smiled and softly replied,
"You can't blame Ramuh, my precious little dearie. All things in nature are big and scary. That's the way it is."

And just as she finished speaking, a great clap of thunder sounded out in resolute agreement.
Not sure if this is based on anything specific, or if it's just something I've missed.

The epilogue makes it rain indoors. Again.

Unfortunately, it comes back to life. The clock hasn't stopped.

The pillar holding that book has lowered. Fuck.

Me too, pal. Me too.

So let's do this, I guess.

For what he's referring to, check out image number 47 - thirteen images up.

Suddenly, Iron Giant.

Irma comes up the other elevator.

I can't help but smile at his dialogue.

I've restructured the deck slightly. Not much change.

Let's do this!

Iron Giant is relatively difficult if you're not prepared. Me, I'm prepared. Also, I killed it with Omega Weapon

The LP is officially getting archived. This is happening.

Too much



There is a long pause.
A very long pause.
Like, at least ten seconds.
I was wondering if something had happened with the game.
About how long it took for you to read this.

He then falls over.

We are the best.

Okay, fuck this. I'm done.
Next time: More books. Fuck.