Part 21: Page 21: Ender's Game
Page 21: Ender's Game
I know, Boco. I'm tired of these stupid things too.

Yay, Shocking Shuffle.

Red made it through the forest and delivered the medicine to her grandmother, curing her back pains. The two of them spent the rest of the day together eating delicious food and sharing exciting stories. Eventually exhausted by the day's activities, the two of them found themselves sound asleep inside Grandmother's warm bed.
But the next morning, something unbelievable happened: Ramuh appeared in a great clap of thunder, and whisked Red's grandmother away!
But why would Ramuh, so gentle and kind, do such a thing?
Confused by the turn of events, Red dashed after Ramuh's cloud as quickly as she could. Would Red be able to rescue her grandmother and get home safely?
Did you already forget the whole 'Lightning Labyrinth' thing you had to deal with in the prequel to this story? God damn. "So gentle and kind" my ass.

The only thing we can do right now is do Versus 1. So, let's do that.

This game's not too bad, mainly because it's not at all hard to win. It does help that the somewhat iffy controls don't really matter thanks to this game not requiring tight controls. It's okay if I fumble a bit because the game is pretty forgiving.
As for what you have to do to win? Just avoid being in front of Ramuh's cloud when he's shooting the electricity. The AI will kill themselves; I usually don't have to do anything. Strangely enough, hitting someone with a tackle in this minigame doesn't give them hitstun, while it does in Hide and Shriek. Did they seriously program completely separate behaviors? That's remarkably inefficient.

I got hit, but that's because I was dumb.


We didn't unlock anything except the next two levels of Versus. Back to the grindstone, I presume.

We've got a real challenge this time (real being used in the sense that it's more than just win (because this isn't hard at all)).

The only difference with four players instead of two is that it takes three times longer to win. I do have to pay attention in this match to make sure I don't get hit, but that's the extent of my struggles.

Strangely enough, the last two Jailbirds died first, without the first one even being touched.

For what it's worth, the point breakdown. It's all based on how long you stayed alive.

This gift is for not getting hit. It's not very good in my opinion, though it has a high chance of dealing 8 damage - most blue cards attack on the bottom. 4 damage isn't anything to laugh at, either: it's anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of their max health.

Just for beating Versus 2, though, we get an epilogue.

Dodging fierce lightning bolts, Red chased after Ramuh and his getaway cloud. When she finally caught up with Ramuh and her grandmother, they were by the seaside.

Red's grandmother looked around her, then began crying softly. "Your grandfather and I had countless happy times here before he passed away. It's been so long, but some things never change. The color of the sea... The sound of the waves... The smell of the saltwater... Oh Ramuh! How can I ever thank you?"
Perhaps the rain that falls during thunderstorms is nothing more than the joyous tears of those brought back to familiar places.
Short and relatively sweet. Ramuh's not really an asshole. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the reward we got, but it was another diary in the abandoned mansion.

On to the next one. Remember, we need to keep doing this until we've restored the crystal.

This one's just a simple win condition. No sweat.

I may or may not be crushing them easily with little to no effort expended on my part.

Anyway, that's the end of this book for this update.

Because in addition to unlocking Versus 4 and 5, we've got another epilogue.

Dodging fierce lightning bolts, Red chased after Ramuh and his getaway cloud. When she finally caught up with Ramuh and her grandmother, they were inside the thunder god's shrine.

In the middle of the room was a bed, and on the bed was a beautiful young girl. She seemed to be suffering from a terrible fever.
"Here, you should try this," said Red's grandmother, as she pulled a crimson leaf from inside her bag.
The medicine worked like a charm, and the young girl was up and about in no time. "Thank you, Grandma! And thank you, too, Mini Red Riding Hood!"
From that day on, Ramuh, touched by the kindness of the human heart, made an effort to make lightning only strike high-up places like the tops of trees or mountains, where there wouldn't be many people around.
Ramuh status: still not an asshole. In addition, it's possible the girl in the story is a reference to Rosa from Final Fantasy 4. Neat, huh?

Alright! We got what we came here for!


God DAMN this guy is windy.

Oh, what's this? If even ONE? Gee, I wonder...

Strange. It physically hurts to agree with her.

To be honest, I'm always looking forward to this part. I wonder what ridiculous form he'll take this time...

Here it comes...

...Huh. That's... underwhelming. He turned into the Eye of Sauron.

He looks smaller in the map.


Oh hey, that's neat. You can see the actual book inside the giant eyeball.
Anyway, this should be the last fight with Bebuzzu. That's the fourth crystal eaten, and this'll be the fourth time we beat him up in a
I killed him with Omega Weapon

Fuck. Yes. Omega Weapon is a fucking BEAST.


Wait, hold the phone. What's this?

Oh Cid, you card

That does seem remarkably specific.

Not gonna lie, the fact that Bebuzzu's a giant floating spike ball of doom kinda makes this somewhat sinister.

The black crystal is sucked up and eaten.

We're the protagonist?

After eating Irma, Bebuzzu morphs back to his book form.

Well, fuck. That didn't end at all as planned.

....fuck. I give up. Five crystals, one of them is a Light crystal, the Wind crystal doesn't exist. Fuck it.


Well, we could go do that. Or we could go finish off those books. Choices, choices...
Next time: SO MANY BOOKS