Part 22: Page 22: The Two Towers
Page 22: The Two TowersWell, really only one tower. ANYWAY...

Cid's ship will take us to the tower so that we can finish all those picture books.

Well, damn. We can't return to the tower until we go visit the square. I just love that, don't you?

Here we are at the square. It's... kinda different this time...
By the way, the overall soundtrack is now The Decisive Battle for pretty much everywhere unless we're in a book or something similar.

Oh, Croma

Man, now I just want it to be the world of ice cream or something and have Cid be so wrong.

Cid tries to enter the beam of light. Unfortunately for him, he's not a ProtagonistTM and as such can't enter.

You don't, but I do. Fuck saving the world, I have stories to read. I could walk all the way to Cid's ship, but using Bluebay saves me time.

We're going in chronological order, so we're starting at the bottom and working our way up. First up: Rescue on the Rapids.

This is our only challenge left - a lot of the story books in the tower only have a few left. I guess I got lucky or something.

Same as the others, though Volg is actually a challenge this time. Use him to your advantage: once you're in front of him, try to stay literally in front of him. He'll push you along and drop speed.

It was closer than I'd have like, of course, but that's because I don't like having the AI anywhere near my score.

The gap was 30 milliseconds. That's not something I'm entirely confident with, though it worked out in the end.

And of course, the final epilogue for the book comes from the final challenge.

"No fear! No fear! I'm outta here!"
Soon after departing, the cactuar lost control of his raft, which was casting into some rocks by the raging waters.
"Help! Help! I'm allergic to kelp!"
Suddenly, the gigantic whale Bismarck emerged from the depths of the river and opened his titanic maw, waiting for the cactuar to lose his grip. Luckily, the equally amphibious adamantoises were able to rescue the cactuar before he was served up as Bismarck's mid-afternoon snack.
Or at least that's what they thought...

In the next instant, Bismarck swallowed up the cactuar and the adamantoises! "Whew! That was a close one! I spent all my midsummer days frolicking and almost ended up with nothing for the winter!"
With plenty of food for the upcoming season, Bismarck swam off, as happy a whale as there ever was.
Bahah. Okay, that's good.

The Bismarck chest opens up. All that's left is the Ramuh chest, and I'm sure you all know where that's coming from.

The floor above this one, we have to finish up The Three Little Piggies. Fortunately, this one's only one video long as well.

I love AI pathing, don't you? It's possible to trick Volg and the Tonberries into running along the shack; this helps because you can just sit back there while Volg gets beaten badly. It's not cheating, it's exploiting the system. Anyway, it's either that or run away constantly.

Again, we are victorious.

And with that, we've finished up The Three Little Piggies.

We get Karma for not taking damage. Kinda tempted to put it in the deck because those things are so cute

We're not gonna need him. Zpoiler alert.

On the clock floor is the first book of the - wait, does that say 2 wins? Huh. I thought I played more than that.

Ramuh just looks somewhat pissed. Also, he's a dick

Poor Volg. Poor, poor guy.

Hey, remember how I mentioned wanting a bigger gap between scores? This is that.

This is, I believe, our second-last Chocobo friend to rescue. I could be wrong (and probably am)...

Sure thing, dude. Also, while we need to talk to him for rewards, we don't need any of his hints.

Also, this is still super precarious.

Hey! I see our buddy!

Hi, guy!

Bye, friend! You're the best guy.

Back to this book.

Well, okay then. Not like that's hard or anything...

This game's not even hard, it's just tedious at this point.

I really don't care if you skip these next videos. They're super boring.

And we still have one more to go...

I remember this guy. He killed me when I was fighting Core Bebuzzu.

And we get an epilogue for beating Versus 4. How could this day get any better?

Dodging fierce lightning bolts, Red chased after Ramuh and his getaway cloud. When she finally caught up with Ramuh and her grandmother, they were inside a beautiful garden.

Ramuh had prepared the assortment of flowers as an apology for frightening Red's grandmother and making her throw out her back.
"Why thank you, Ramuh. How thoughtful of you."
As all-powerful as he was, even Ramuh couldnt help from blushing a little bit at those kind words from Red's grandmother, letting slip a rumble of thunderclaps.
Huh. That's short and to the point.

That's all four chests unlocked. We'll head down to pick them up in a minute.

First, we need to beat Volg one-on-one.

I've run out of funny quips to say.

I swear if any of you jerks say 'You ran out of those about three updates in' I'm shutting this down right now.

No joke, right before the end of the game

This should be our last Chocobo friend. I'll check the board later, but I think we're done with that.

Urgh. I hate speech impediments.

Teleports are super useful. Save everyone time and effort (not that you jerks need to worry about that thanks to the screenshot format)

Grinn time.

Thanks, buddy. Now fuck off. (Grinn tells us where to find new microgames - unfortunately, the few left are all in the postgame.)

Our next stop is in the house. Specifically, the second floor on the left. If you remember, we went to the room on the right (Croma's room) to call Cid to the island. The room on the left happens to be Shirma's room.

Because Carbuncle's here again!

And that's the last time we'll see Carbuncle. Bye, guy. You were a beacon of

Anyway, all four of these are unlocked.

Typhon only appears in this form in the game - his cards are pretty good.

Also, this place is next. We got this from another epilogue
Diary 3 posted:
Irma came to me in tears today and said, "Mommy, from today on, I hate you! And I hate Daddy even more! It hurts too much to love you anymore. If I stop loving, then it'll stop hurting, too!"
I didn't know what to say to her. Even at her young age, she realized I didn't have much time left in this world. She also knew her father was gone for good. If only I didn't love her so much, it might not be so painful for me, either...
Almost all of Volg's injuries have healed and he is more active than ever. He follows her around everywhere, as if she's the leader of a little troupe! I so desperately want to see them both grow up. But I know very well that I will never be granted that opportunity... I just hope I can last a little longer...
Irma, my darling! I don't want to leave you...
To my beloved Irma,
Did I ever tell you that in the language of my people, your name means "hope"? So be true to your name...and be strong. All I wish for you is happines...
Aw... that's kinda sad...
Anyway, I don't care. Back down to the square - we've got nothing else to do.

Surprising nobody, Boco is the only one who can enter the giant space warp.

Yeah, thanks for the help, you shits.

Strangely enough, we get the warp animation for entering the portal. It's like we're going into a picture book or something...

Huh. This place is weird...
Next time: The final picture book...