Part 12: "We finally came back to this Fin again!"
It's a long walk back to Altea, but luckily we can take a shortcut via Chocobo.
Ant Lions and Chimeras along the way. Ant Lions can paralyze, but they do jack against Luna.
Anyway, a march back to Poft to pick up our ship and rest/sell junk.
Thank you!
Will and Wisdom potions apparently max out those stats for a battle. Handy, but this game has a horrible inventory system where space is limited, items don't stack, and key items take up room for the rest of the game with no way to get rid of them. It's not until FF5 that they did away with any inventory limitations (though at least 3 and 4 had the Big Chocobo).
Altea is deserted except for Tokal and a few shopkeeps (though the Silver equipment vendors are gone, leaving the town to just...nine people. Hilda and Gordon decided to move the Agitating Point of the Rebellions closer to Fin. Yeah, we're finally going to do something about that.
There's a tent there, which is nothing but a throne room. Yes, really.
There's a bunch of rebels parroting the same two things. No idea where the actual townspeople are.
In a nice touch, if you ask Hilda about Ivy...
So the idea is that the Rebellions will be attacking the Empires in the Town of Fin while we strike in the castle. Fair enough.
But first!
This game may suck at a lot of things, but it's nice to see your party beating the everliving shit out of enemies that seemed impossible to kill pretty early on in the game.
But none of them go away so it's mostly pointless.
You know, except for the loot they drop.
Upon entering the castle, Reila randomly joins. Sure, why not.
There's treasure around, but you can just go right to the boss and then loot once he's dead and the random encounters are gone.
That's because the random encounters here are fucking terrible. See these fuckers in robes, the blue Sorcerers and green Wizards?
They do nothing but cast multi-target spells. And not just boring elemental spells like Fire8 and such (though they do cast those too), but spells like Psych, which absorb MP. They sapped 30 MP from each party member!
And this is still one of their tamer spells.
No, what really makes these fuckers nasty are their status effect spells. Any nasty status effect you can think of, they will cast it.
Toad in particular is a nasty status effect, rendering that party member completely useless.
Here's Drain, or Phys in this version, for good measure.
After that one battle, I have Reila dead, the guys as Toads, and Luna below 200 HP.
At least the loot makes up for it.
...Oh wait, I thought I got the MP-draining spell, but upon writing this update I find out it's actually the HP-draining one. That sucks. On the bright side, Fast increases hits, so I'll gladly take that.
Can't warp back, either. Luckily I manage to walk out without another encounter. It's a short dungeon if you're just going to the boss.
In the meantime, enjoy the rare screenshot of Luna. The game pretty much treats Toaded party members as dead.
Only way to heal Toad, besides maybe a high-level Hel2 spell (my L2 one didn't do the trick) is a Kiss. Good thing I'm loaded.
Right, let's try this again.
At least it's fodder.
Made it. Just gotta march up to him and
But hey, at least back-row people can't hit their party members!
...Yep. Two mad toads, a statue, and a corpse. See what I mean about bullshit encounters?
My next attempt, this was my only encounter. I literally have to keep trying until I don't get an encounter that's full of bullshit. Come the fuck on.
Finally, the boss.
Ghotos isn't that bad.
Nathan Fillion buffs Luna with Fast and Powr, and Dude with Ruse.
It pays off wonderfully.
Ghotos just did piddly damage and cast Fast once before he died.
Just thought it was neat that you saw one frame of Hilda and Gordon seated in the Fin
Who's ready for a password dump? First, Mysidia.
Mask, you say?
Well, we can still ask about other stuff, like Dragon.
i.e. No Dragon shenanigans until the plot's ready for it. How about the Dragoons?
Glad to do all your dirty work.
Gordon's also full of info. First, let's ask about ETSOMADA.
Sounds good. And Mysidia?
What's this about an Xtal spell?
Have anything better to say about Xtal, Hilda?
Alright, gotta get the spell to sicken the Emperor. Good plan.
NPCs are NPCs.
Oh yeah, because we didn't have enough bullshit. Thankfully these are trash monsters for this stage of the game. If I had to redo that entire section...UGH.
Definitely went to save outside after that one.
Maybe one of you guys can clarify why they're calling a throne room a "saloon."
Oh yeah, still no MingWu.
It's a massive plot dump we'll read about later.
It's nice to be appreciated.
Yep. But there's something else on this floor.
Three new spells, in fact! There's Rub, which inflicts instant death, Br(e)ak, which inflicts instant death, and Toad, which inflicts instant death!
I wish I was kidding.
This chest has a nastier encounter than the Cure Potion.
BULL FUCKING SHIT. Rub just wiped my entire party (besides Reila who was already dead). Fucking hell.
Eventually win one with another Rub spell. Gave my first one to Luna simply because Nathan Fillion already has fourteen spells with Brak and Toad, and I want to save room for Psyc (the MP-absorbing spell) and Nuke.
Which is why I also give Luna Aura, which is wonky as shit anyway and I don't even know what the hell is the spell's deal.
+10 STR. Since equipment stat boosts don't stack and Luna already has +10 STR from her Giant helmet, Reila gets this beauty.
Alright, enough of this castle. We'll do the dungeon next update. Let's finish off with the town instead.
Eventually the words all just blend together into one massive incoherent mess. Though I like the curt "Thank you" at the end.
More spells. I'm guessing at least 50% of them inflict instant death.
The big gets here are the Topaz armlets/mails/whatever. A 12-point defense boost to our mages with the same tiny magic penalty. Haven't had an upgrade for Nathan Fillion or Dude since the Pearl ones at Bafsuk!
Weaponry's pretty lame, though, as this is all loot I've gotten (and resold) earlier.
Next is Paul's house.
Let's ask Paul about ETSOMADA.
Well, we've got our next destination. Just one more stop to go!
We technically own this pub based on this translation. Unfortunately, nobody's bothered to come by despite the liberation of a town being a great reason to party in a pub. Maybe it's because nobody trusts the ale after a prince died here, I don't know.
Very little combat this update (at least combat where I didn't die), so skipping the status screens and just giving small summaries. Still posting magic screens though since we've got a buttload of new spells.
INT +2, Blind +1
STR +1, VIT +3, MAG +1, HP +111, MP +13, Spear +1, Shield +1
VIT +1, WILL +2, HP +50, Anti +1, Fade +1
VIT +1, HP +29, MP +14