The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy III

by Cool Ghost

Part 87: Addendum: The Timeline of Final Fantasy III

Addendum: The Timeline of Final Fantasy III


I Swear to God, They Just Added to the Script instead of Doing Rewrites

Okay, so there's some confusion in the LP about exactly when events happened and what those events were. So what I'm going to do here is try to clear some of that up for you. Now, the first thing to know is, there are two versions of events: one from the NES version, and one from the DS version. The NES version makes more sense.


1,000 Years Ago: The floating continent is launched by Desch and his father, there is a flood of light, Dark Warriors save the world.

0 Years Ago: Xande causes an earthquake with the Earth Crystal, and the Water Crystal floods everything. Aria is spared because she's a priestess (I guess? It's not too farfetched). The floating continent experiences the earthquake, four orphans fall in a hole, the game starts.


NOTE: This isn't official, it's my interpretation.

1,000 Years Ago: The floating continent is launched by Desch and his father, there is a flood of light, Dark Warriors save the world. This is unchanged.

10 Years Ago: Cid goes on an airship trip with some families. As they fly, the world is flooded with darkness and the airship crashes on the floating continent. Only five people survive (Cid and kids). This is a result of Xande using the Earth Crystal. Aria is protected from the flood of darkness by the Water Crystal (theoretically?) and remains adrift and in time; she also becomes ill. The crystals, in response to a major cataclysm, decide to do nothing for the next decade.

(PS: This is the major addition to the game's story, and it is spectacularly stupid. It ruins a lot of stuff.)

0 Years Ago: A random earthquake on the floating continent drops a kid down a hole. The game starts.