And now for our feature presentation.

Turns out she hadn't landed yet.


The princess takes this opportunity to make a break for it.

… Made your mind up about what?

How convenient.

How theatrical.

"how fucking bad can your timing be i was putting the moves on the goddamn princess"

Time to get out of here.

Cinna, however, seems to have an escape route.

Huihui has barely missed us, it seems.

And the nameless knight is in position.

So basically you thought that something like this might happen when we built the fucking airship.

Considering the other Knights of Pluto, he probably isn't surprised at this turn of events at all.

"This is nothing. I have been training to escape the castle, after all."

Hmm, I wonder what this button does.

Let's turn it to the right.

Turning the wheel in either direction drops down a treasure box. Left drops the one in the front, right drops the one behind the engine, where we're standing now. It takes either a sharp eye or visually parallel logic to figure that one out, though.

--oh shit it's the fuckin five-o
(speaking of which the new hawaii five-o ain't a bad show though the actors and continental-us-writers-trying-to-write-about-hawaii can get somewhat awful at times)

The inept knight comes in through the engine room as well.

He is clearly plenty mad.

He also has some stuff we can steal, though none of it is particularly fantastic.
After doing enough damage,

he busts out an attack I'm pretty sure doesn't actually otherwise exist in the game.


scene transition.

"... no matter how much she might believe she doth love thee...
never shall I see her marry a peasant such as thee!
When yon bell strikes three...
Under the axe thou shall be!"
Well, can't really remember if it was "thou" or "you" that was the speaking-up-to form in Middle English. They had some confusing shit back when.

... what did you just tell me to

Oh, the lift. Of course.

"(Yeah, you're doing great!)"
"(Ahaha. I have studied drama, you know.)"

dude you are going to blow our cover you jerk

"Now is my moment of vengeance! For my parents, and for my love, Cornelia..."


"Am I cursed never again to feel her soft touch!?
O, cruel fate! Thou hast robbed me of all I treasure!"

I wish they'd do this at those Final Fantasy concerts instead of The Opera. I mean, that one is cool and a classic and all, but get some good stage actors and you really couldn't beat this. Plus, it has a spectacular accompaniment.
I mean, y'know, it's nerdy as hell, but it's not like going to a fucking Final Fantasy concert is the sort of thing just anyone would do.

Everyone seems to have loved it.

Due to popular demand, Paki's name has been changed to something more entertaining.
Makakao is now named after our thread's very own Affirmative Action Crusader, goatface, and is our first instance of actual Hawaiian. Maka = face/eyes, Kao = Goat, Hawaiian being a N-Adj language. Or if it's more like N-N rather than N-Adj, just pretend it's an abbreviation of "ka maka o ke kao," the face of the goat.

why are you chasing us you dicks

The best part about this scene, of course, is that Huihui thinks that everything is completely real.

"who are these guys"
"i dunno just improvise or something"


Unfortunately, we still can't steal stuff from these guys on account of Steal being disabled in lieu of SFX. Oh well, we'll just have to grind them into dust, I suppose.

Princess Garnet will not be doing much turning of the enemies into a fine red mist. Her main method of attacking, Summons, are prohibitively MP-expensive.
I am 99% certain that she will never gain enough MP to cast summons until an event later in the game. I have tried to the extent of my patience.

Makako, whiny as he is, does have quite an arsenal of abilities.

The normally-fantastic localization team on this game kind of botched this one, though, could've gone the whole nine yards with the Shakespearean references.

Oh boy FMV time

"GET THEM ooh this chicken is delicious"

FUCK this update is prohibitively huge but whatev have a standard cliffhanger
You know, I wish I could do less images, but FF9 is just such a visually-intensive game that this is basically what needs to be done. Well, nobody ever said viewing LPs was a bandwidth-friendly activity. Thanks so far, though, for making it so that I don't have to do more than one update per page.