Part 7: Yes, I Play with Dolls
We rejoin our heroes as they're coming around from being assaulted by the plant monster.

this is someone's fetish

this is someone's fetish

Huihui is having doubts about our hospitality.

"God help me!"

As for Kilika...

"son i knew i never shoulda let you play them damn nintendos"

Anyway, we storm out of there and we get

some Active Time Events. It's pointing to Time to Escape right now, but we're doing Girl Who Was Left Behind first.

This is more what your typical ATE is like in this game.

someone is out of shape
He sits down for a breather and...

"Besides, the princess is not 15! She's 16!"
Viewing "Time to Escape" unlocks a third ATE:

this is someone's fetish
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled LP.

Well, let's go visit him.

But not before we loot this top bunk.

"Ah, don't mention it."

you fucking insensitive prick the white dragon kakao is slang for midget in tagalog, it's as offensive as calling someone the n-word

"ah well, he's just a fuckin' kakao anyway"

See this "damn" right here? I think this is pretty much the only time when it's okay to use expletives in video game scripts. And not just game scripts, but lots of young adult literature, too. Almost every game maker these days, from the lowliest primordial pits of RPG Makers to top-of-the-foodchain Enix employees, has Potty Mouth Syndrome. And it's a shame, because just like in real interactions with real people, it's just not classy.
swearing in an lp is not real interactions with real people

"'Cause I'm gonna bust you up for breaking the rules."

this is someone's fetish

Well, we have some stealing to do, so let's get to the back row to maximize the amount of time I have to do it in.

I don't think your opinion is relevant

oh i've always wanted to steal one of these

This is a HUGE upgrade for Huihui. Instead of doing 40-60 damage, he will now do 150-250. The only reason you should keep the Broadsword on him is to learn Beast Killer, which he'll get from the Moonstone anyway.

shut up you jerk

damned straight

And he sucker-punches us in congratulations.

"oh i think i would, you wouldn't let the princess see you petting that thing like that"

"Look, this has nothing to do with Tantalus. It's something I decided to do on my own."

"i would say that basically telling you outright that i'm doing this to get sex is being refreshingly honest, really"

you lazy shit
you know why you people are so short? 'cuz you're too lazy to grow taller

"... Okay."

this is someone's f