Part 13: Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel Barrel

"When will the cargo ship arrive?"

they throw folks off of it obviously

we must attempt an alternative method to catch his attention


well fuck

Attention span of the average television-watching American.

Oh, having our moody part of the month, are we?

Maika'i NPCs: 12

... Well that works too.

This is your one time to use Huihui and examine stuff, and he does have something unique to say about what few things you can examine.

"They don't look like anything but common criminals."
He's actually right, and I'm surprised people didn't see it sooner.

"Now I must think of a way to get her on the ship..."

This gives us a timeframe for how long this operation has been going on. At fifteen-and-a-half, the princess must've been pretty damn astute to recognize that the shit was hitting the fan enough to transition from "pampered princess" to "holy shit let's jump from the top of this tower and not-quite-hijack an airship"
or it could be a storytelling device

"Let's get outta here!"

"What could they possibly be shipping out from this village?"
haven't you been paying attention to these past few fucking chapters
you illiterate jerk

This is so not his day.


"yes because I have this secret fetish of getting stuffed in a barrel with a babe and a midget
actually sounds like a believable fetish"

"You don't need to say anything, his people don't have feelings"

"uh, uh, uh it's going to
pizza hut, yes"

"Wait, I thought we wanted to go to Lindblum?"
"There is always time for pizza"

oh good job changing the subject asshole i am not falling for that shit
you're probably planning to go to pizza hut without us

oh i see


"I am trying so hard not to make a really offensive joke about black pride right now"

you are so full of shit look at that strength disparity

He means it. Even his target-all spells won't affect Holly.

Getting pelted with spells gets Huihui his Trance.

Well that was effective.
There's something about if you let your party die, you get some sort of special game over sequence, but fuck that shit.

"no, she sent him to fly around and shout 'I AM HERE TO CAPTURE THE FUCKING PRINCESS YOU ASSHOLES' and blast us with magic and then just kinda ditch you out here"

"Why don't we hitch a ride on this airship?"

"I mean... 'won't be too far.'"

"No, it's headed to Pizza Hut, haven't we already gone over this?"

"Yeah, I know. Trust me!"

"Yes. Except they're all wearing red and you aren't, I know You People have gangs and shit so you better not let them see you"

"On a ship that's not going to Lindblum?"
"I don't have time to explain."

"I'll take you to Lindblum. I promise."

dat ass

dat airship's ass