Part 19: Communist Choice

If you can't take a little blood sport, get the fuck out of Lindblum

Of course, there's taking enjoyment a little too far. When you stop shouting and start talking, you are way too into it.

See, you might think here that there are foul forces at work, but that is just a red herring. This is simply bureaucracy at its finest.

"But he is your Pokemon"
"Look, I got him in a trade okay"

That is one ugly muthafucka.

"For the last time, no, I am not going to have lesbian sex with that furry"

the last time i did this, i got told to leave and had to take a failing grade on the final
incidentally i still got an a in the course which i find amusing

I know a lot of game design philosophers don't agree with me, but there's just something so exciting about getting thrown into a well-designed minigame with obscure rules that you only have one shot at.

If 'Iole wins, you get a Coral Ring or some faggot shit like that. I suppose it's almost required in a Level One Playthrough, but this not a Level One Playthrough. This is an Awesome Playthrough.

"Yeah well your opinion is now irrelevant. Permanently."

"B-but she's a"
"Oh right a woman 'k never mind"

"A giant black dildo"
"Okay. Gil, an Add-On, and... a Giant Black Dildo."

"Hunter Kilika will start in the Theater District, Hunter Iole will start in the Industrial District, and Hunter Makakao will start in the Business District."

Well, let's get this show on the road.

I love how into it Huihui gets. He's not a big oaf, he just really loves his blood sports like a dude should.

Basically the idea is to run into monsters, which are represented by actual sprites, and beat them into a fine red mist.

Point value varies randomly based on which sprite you encounter, taking anywhere from between 1 and 10 points from a set maximum.
Also this damn game does not do ties. You either definitely win, or you lose.

I was trying really hard to remember where you encountered everything so I didn't get as many screenshots as I would've liked, but for reference, we head over to the Industrial District and fight some shit. Some of them are a bit hidden: for example, if you try to go into the Doom Pub, Kilika says something about not having time for that, and a Mu will pop out for you to fight. Trying to enter any other building will simply get you the "I don't have time for this" message.

This Trick Sparrow here is also a clever one. He flies down and grabs a Mu that's chilling on the ground. If you walk to the exact spot that the Mu was standing, you can encounter this guy.

If you want to win (as opposed to your party members winning), you have to head over to the Business District at about 5:30, fight some monsters, and then head over to the right-side exit over here at 4:00.

Too early, and Zhagnol isn't here yet.

Show up too late, and he's not here anymore.

"... You're ridiculous. Fine. As you wish."

Of course, you can LET 'Iole take the kill, but then you are a pussy bitch.

We are not pussy bitches.

We hit Trance while going around cleaning shit up.

May as well end things with a bang.

Yeeuh boy
First try, I'm not THAT rusty yet. Orange Fluffy Sheep asked if you guys could vote on this and no, of course you can't. Recall that I'm working my computer's ass off just to keep ahead of the LP, which is where I want to be; I like keeping a step ahead.
Besides, you'd have to be either doing a gimmick playthrough, or a pedophile, or some other horrible social pariah, to not want Kilika to win.

And here we see the short person in its natural habitat, getting chased by a boar!
Living in a sub-rural part of Hawaii, I can say with certainty: fuck boars. Fuck them in the eye. With a lever-action rifle. That's the only way to deal with 'em. They come around and uproot your ti leaf plants that you're using for your Okolehao (colloquially, "knock you on your ass") moonshine and the dogs hate 'em and chase 'em around the property and fuck I must sound like a Hawaiian redneck or someshit but honestly the part about holding a college degree in under a week excepted that really isn't too far from the truth

Well my computer crashed like right after that so I had to do the Festival all over again, but this time, it gave me all the big points and I got like 90 for killing Zhagnol. And I even stole the elusive Mithril Fork.

We also get the pointless Master Hunter key item.


Well fuck.