Part 27: It's Funny Until Someone Says it Outloud
's Funny Until Someone Says it Outloud

so obviously when we load a file with kilika, makakao, 'iole, and iz on it, we get spat out somewhere in which we control none of them

"of course not, he was white"

"I told you to go to the bathroom before we left, there isn't going to be another one until we reach the castle"

Honestly I mean a middle-aged guy hanging around a considerably younger woman who he looks absolutely nothing like and keeps calling her Princess-this and Miss-that etc. and behaving awkwardly in general all while shouting about WE'RE HOME and having her corroborate your outbursts is plenty suspicious on its own. Huihui is pretty much the worst person to have taken along, I mean bring 'Iole and you can say that she's your Really Weird Best Friend, or even Makakao and say that he's the Boy the gas company gave you
Okay let's go equip Huihui with the armor we stole from Beatrix

or not

Basically, there are two cable cars. When one reaches the top, the other reaches the bottom. It is very simple, but it is a miniscule touch that games these days never fail to neglect.

"I'm sorry but we're all out of bundt cake"
"Well in that case I'll just have the chicken"

"The car to Lindblum just departed."

Well we have to deal with Moogles first.

what i thought moogles were like dogs and didn't care about that stuff

but the white dragon, of course dogs fall in love

We also buy a lot of equipment because I like to Synthesize stuff but can never remember what the recipes are and the GameFAQs synthesis guide makes absolutely no fucking sense because I dunno the author has The Sperg or something and can take meticulous notes on what is needed but is completely incapable of writing them out in an interpretable manner.

uh oh

"I bet he likes it"

At least it whittled the time away.

"It's colloquial"

"Ten hookers for the price of one. All at once!"
And now we board the train.

"To save our brother."

See, this I can understand. This Bro is different from the sort of Bro that African Americans have, or the kind of Bro where white people say, "I didn't know you had a brother!" It is clearly out of practice in the continental US because it seems to be viewed awkwardly, but in Hawaii, folks are not adverse to the idea of the sworn sibling. They are few and far between, and rightly so, but I, too, have my small share of them.

"Got rid of him as soon as you got to Lindblum, huh?"
"How could you say that?! It's only because Kilika kept treating me like a child!
... I don't care about him."

"I am the best wingman ever. At least I would be, if Kilika were here."

"No thanks. We'll be fine on our own."

"Oh hey no don't worry that's just my bro who had waaaaay too much acid like a decade ago, he walks everywhere and dresses kinda funny sometimes"

And now, for your listening pleasure, from the soundtrack "FF9 Plus," which features FMV songs and a selection of unused tracks, is the unused Black Waltz theme


Oh, no, he just wants to kill everything.

The rematch with Black Waltz No. 3 is, while not very difficult at all (it's geared for parties of characters around level 5-8 because you don't have much of a window to give Holly and Huihui levels, and I think we were at 9 right here), is conceptually intimidating and is an appropriately exciting note to start Disc 2 out on.

So obviously our first matter of business is to steal his 1/256 drop on our first try

His "big bad" attack is Freeze, which inflicts the Freeze status. A Frozen character can't act, and will be instantly killed if he or she is hit with a physical attack.

Incidentally, you never learn any spells that inflict this status (at least, quickly addressing my memory says you don't). It is not terribly useful anyway. I mean, it looks very fancy, but it ends up missing Huihui altogether.

This is so distressing to the boss that he has a heart attack.


not this one, genius
But if you think about it critically (which people don't do actively while playing video games), it might give you the impression that Black Mage Soldiers are, by nature, batshit killing machines, even if they have the capacity for higher thought.