Part 29: Hobo Night

We begin our update today

with a sick

And now let's do some sidequesting.

Those zodiac coins we've been finding are all part of the Stellazio sidequest. It is full of great items.

It is very simple: you turn in a coin and you get a prize. There are thirteen of them all together, and you won't have them all until the fourth disc.

Your rewards are Gil and Items, alternating, with the thirteenth getting you a special prize.

After delivering four Stellazio coins, you get this fantastic prize. It is the strongest sword you will have access to at this point, and it drains HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted. Obviously this poses a problem when fighting undead enemies, but it will be outdated long before Huihui ever sees an undead.


For all the flak I give him, I suppose Huihui would be legitimately intimidating.

MP Attack, when equipped, drains a bit of MP and I think multiplies your attack power by 1.5x or something. However, it won't really be useful until Huihui gets more MP on him.

Mr. Bishop never appears in this game, but he is referred to rather prolifically.


--wait a second, they're hypocrites. that is perhaps even worse.

Well, I could use a Reflect Ring. It would probably be obscene expensive, though.
And now, another ATE.

Well that's either The Man, or a male stripper. Either way, I don't like where this is going.

male stripper

"Yeah, in a noble's mansion. You'll go by boat and break in tonight."

Now let's check out that building.

"He likes to see people challenge it and get beat up."
Well that's fantastic.

"Maybe I can find the Supersoft here.."

The ATE ends as the camera tilts up to reveal Kuja overlooking the auction house from the booth.

The Taurus Stellazio is hiding in the fruit carts here. We can go and turn it in for more Gil, but no fancy prize this time.

Well I mean he probably doesn't have it anymore and you're offering money for him? I suppose it's the principle of the thing.

All right, let's go deal with that monster down there. If I remember right, you get a nice sum of money for it, and I need the money.

uh lady
i was kind of just


At this point, the Griffon is pretty tough.

We wouldn't normally be encountering him for another two or three dungeons.

Even though the Blood Sword is helpful here, Huihui's max HP isn't high enough to have withstood two consecutive casts of Aera.

Luckily, we didn't have to worry about that.
okay huihui needs a new car where is my 10,000 gil
(huihui's idea of a new car is a used scion)

oh you did not just fuckin' jew me

with the advent of ebay the problem of auction house stupidity has been allowed to permeate the masses so this is actually socially relevant to pretty much everyone these days

I mean I found an honest-to-God ten on the ground once, but this is another story entirely.