Part 43: Ho Village

This is Conde Petie. The name comes from Chocobo's Dungeon 2. It is the name of a dish so delicious that makes people with cockney accents fall in love. If I remember correctly, some of the ingredients include Octopus Ink, Amnesia Tonic, and Marlboro Tentacles.
It is also one of my favorite songs in the entire game. It's really march-ey, but at the same time it can't possibly be because it's so musically comical in the sense that the accents in the drum beat make it lurch and limp instead of march along.

"yeah? well we haven't seen any asians either, are you suggesting there's a connection?"


"Rally-ho yourself."

"Aye, that we do! Condie Petie is hame tae the most delicious nuts an' berries in the world!
Ah ken that's why folk're always stealin' oor food!"

"If ye dinnae pay fer somethin', ye're stealin'!
Och! So ye're the thief, are ye no!?"

"Ho you guys jus' like all da haole policemen, always think the Hawaiians wen' do somethin' bad before you even know if anything bad wen' happen"

"I... I not thief."
"Nobody said ye were a thief!"

fuck it's a kid who likes anime way too much
and an orange

Robert Dogherder is like my second-favorite NPC of all time. I wasn't able to find my favorite-NPC-ever this playthrough, which is unfortunate, but Bobby here is fine enough I think.

The second-best NPC ever.

"Well, nou... That's as may be. But we wouldnae throw away oor money so glibly now, would we?"

"No lassie wants yir William fer a man."

"Hmm... Sanctuary..."

"What way did ye cook it? Did ye frizzle it wi' some o' yer mejick?"
i think mejick is the best word and even though it doesn't fall into my dialect i totally use it

"How could I? I've never been here before."

I think these peoples' surnames are the best, they're like if haoles had taken their profession-based surnames like Miller and Baker and Brewer and Smith and took it waaaaaaay overboard and made them use their descriptors as well
elizabeth layabout
françois dogkicker
and of course philip and louise wifebeater

Man these people have the best words, period. What the fuck is a Kirkboat? I don't care, it's awesome.

"I have no idea... But we gotta catch up with Makakao!"

"He ran away."
"Huh. Where the did he come from? Has Brahne found us?"

gee makakao way to be insensitive to their language

"Yes but you would want to go to a circus if it were in town. Forget it."

no dammit kilika

this game is so great