Part 47: Whipping It Out of Your Pants
oh okay so like

I realized that I forgot to get the Chocobo Treasure here so I went back through the Mountain Path and got it.

Like was mentioned earlier in the thread, in relative terms, this treasure sucks. It gives you Gloves armor, and you won't be seeing any characters who can equip them for the rest of the disc on account of them being dead.

You can give this guy the Mountain Oglop you found in exchange for an Oglop Card.

Oglop is just a shitty card in general, but here: you can see how many cards we have. I take care to prune our collection so we only have one of each card, since you can only have a maximum of 100 cards at once, and there are exactly 100 different cards.
ANYWAY, we go back through the mountain path and arrive here:

see this is where summoners go when their mommies and daddies lose them at the grocer's

Tons of fucking moogles live here too.

And they're all the male moogle sprites. It's a big gay manparty here.

well i suppose iz can't fly
but if he could that thing would totally have been for dinner

"But don't even leave me behind again, okay?"

"Mog, you stay here with me."
Clearly there are salt mines beneath this city, and that is where the moogles are forced to do slave labor



uh, fantastic? horrible? i honestly don't really know

old enough
away from here"

"anything that requires a surgeon general's warning for its unhealthiness
the dragon ones where you summon them and you're like 'oh boy dragon can i hug you'
the kind that aren't too stringy but not too fatty either
the kind that aren't too stringy but not too fatty either"

"She said that all in one breath. Aren't you?"

make up your mind dammit

that's like an analogue for sexual partners right

"no, no it's really not. at least i really hope it's not. ew"

"Isn't this... entire place your place?"

"But it's only because I thought stopping was different from dying...
I don't think I really understand what it means to live and die.
Where do we come from...? Do we go back there when we die...?"

Yeah, Makakao isn't emo. He's just very confused. It just so happens that he is confused about death and existence and what it means to live (as in living a good or fulfilling life), which is related to major fields of philosophy, which emo bitches like to lend themselves imagined self-importance by "thinking" about it, usually while wearing "ironically" ridiculous clothing.

fantastic localization

"I eat star sand once, but sand here not food."

"It must've been like this for at least ten years."
How the fuck can you judge how long a place has been abandoned at a glance?

"But here's where the real challenge begins!
I don't think Kilika and Holly are dating, yet.
Holly has been slow to catch on to Kilika's moves.
That means there's plenty of time for me to get between them!"
kids are so precocious

Oh yeah so you're going to make something that tastes so bad that it makes your hair fall out, and then you're going to make something else on top of that?

I don't think it really matters who does what, but I guess you should send Chimomo to fish because that's what he does?