Part 48: Great Discovery

"Oh I know what's wrong.
your FACE"

"remember that tiny people have tiny brains"

"There's me and Kilika.
There's that quiet boy, Makakao...
I guess I should cook for Holly, too.
And all you guys: Mog, Moco, Mocha, Chimomo, Momatose, and Morrison!"

uhh umm uh uhh how many was that again

While humorous, it's best to just not do this.

"It's heavy... kupo!"

"Summoning a great dragon from--"
"No, let's not"

"Well that's a very strange name for it."

wait what she's with us already geez

that is not a yes or a no just sayin'

"Just as soon as we find the right accessory items."

"I don't know most of these eidolons."

"They attempted to become one with nature through their summon magic research.
The tribe migrated to this location 500 years ago. But now..."

Well I guess that thing on Iz's head isn't a chef's hat. It's a giant, stylized, white afro.

"... Oh! You chased Mog on the Conde Petie Mountain Path!
I'm Makie!"

"I know how many people live in this village.
Is Kilika's group, the moogles, and me make 11 people."

"This heat not strong enough to make food for 9 people.
Was not possible to make enough for everyone."

"I teach you very important lesson in cooking.
Always make more than you need.
Maybe more people show up.
Maybe your guests very hungry."

well he might be useless the rest of the time but i suppose he does make a good lighter in retrospect
(this is the part where someone draws a picture of makakao using his fire magic to light up some pakalolo for someone in the middle of a battle)


they really made sure that moogles had super-intricate fur textures

"S/he helped you without eating all the food? Amazing."
"Makakao, too!"

oh fuck damn that is the kind of laugh a chef makes when he pissed in the soup

"Are they hiding underground or something?"

"They're all underground, sleeping the eternal sleep.
I'm the last survivor of my tribe.
I've been living with the moogles since my grandpa died last year."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm really happy here.
Ten years ago, which is four years before I was born...
A natural disaster struck the village. Even the survivors suffered a great deal.
But my mom and dad fell in love and had a family.
Not that I remember what they look like, because they died when I was very young."
you know just in case you guys thought it was using that retarded "500 years old but looks 5" device those dumb fucking anime shit pedo games use so often these days

"I can leave the village with any eidolon I want!
That's just a short time away! Just like the small difference between our ages, Kilika!"

"How do you communicate without a horn, Holly?"

"How do you know!? Darn it!"

"Maybe. Hey, there's some other stuff I wanna ask you."

and yes as you can see here Makie has pretty much the most retarded clothes design ever

what why does this pot have a fungus growing on it
wait not those are plates that are clipping into each other

"Why does she own books that are more than 500 years old...?"

"Those two are going nowhere fast."

"yes well you can tell me while my head is turned, that tongue of yours is so unnerving"

"It's sealed with an eidolon. You can't get in.
It all happened before I was born, but they sealed an eidolon that we failed to summon in the Iifa Tree.
It's our custom to seal a failed eidolon where we summon it.
But we used the power of another eidolon to seal it.
Do you know what that means? That means the sealed eidolon was so powerful that they needed another one to trap it inside."

I don't know how you're supposed to figure out that this coffee is here. There's a moogle named Mocha I guess?

"Makie, 3 years old.
Mog, 3 years old.
Same age!"

Well I thought there would be more interesting things to check out so I chose not to sleep at the time, but in actuality, there is nothing else interesting to be seen here at all, so let's just pretend like I said Sleep right now.

"You know how you cry when you're tired"

"See, I'm maika'i, I'm awesome. You, well, you aren't so awesome. A'ole maika'i, as it were."

"then that's how you know that you like boys instead of--wait no"

"Either you do or you don't."

"... but that's the way things are.
The choice is yours.
I just wanna protect the people I'm with.
Doesn't matter whether I can or not. It's what I believe in."

"Kilika is the man for me!
He's right. You either do, or you don't.
My choice is clear! I wanna go with Kilika!"
actually i know we've been desensitized by overly-creepy games as of late but this means nothing at all like what you are probably thinking

This is like the best scene in any game ever. Well, except for that one part in Lost Odyssey where the scene starts with a song being sung by some American chick who was famous in the 80s, and when it starts to fade out, you hear Jansen singing along in Engrish. But only on the Japanese voice track, he just sings the wrong words if you're playing in English.
That, too, is such a fantastic game. Maybe once I get my hands on the hardware, I can...

also sheesh this computer is old and unreliable but sometimes i wonder if it doesn't have an artificial intelligence, out of nearly ten thousand songs in my library, it kept giving me all these variations of melodies of life while i was writing this update what