Part 51: A Joke About a Gay

This is the best thing

Also there are treasures on the opposite side of that canyon. You can't get them until this event when the moogle brings them to you. There is an Exploda sword for Kilika (which we already have one of) and an Elixir.

"No can do. This is way too convenient to pass up!"
... what is too convenient? is running a hostage situation like your lifelong dream or someshit

"Oh, you really are a good knight. Now, cough it up already!"

"Queen Brahne is after the royal pendant.
I found another jewel just like it in this village!
Now, hand it over!"

"Hold on!"

"Don't be silly, do I look like the sort of person who would plot? No, I'm more of a scheming kinda guy"

"Bring me the pendant!"

SO MUCH ACTION IN ONE IMAGE pretty much the only one who doesn't even give a fuck is holly

"This is soooooooooo boring if you guys are gonna fight or something then hurry up and do it already"

"fight her first"

"I thought you're supposed to be the number one bandit!"

"He's the one with the wanted posters all over Treno!"
She's not kidding. I think I examined it back in that chapter, too.

"Shoots, we go"

damn you need a haircut more than i do

So this guy's gimmick is that he jumps all around the battlefield. You can steal from him, but if you attack him while he isn't in the center, he'll counter.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP DODGING this is so infuriating"


"Why not!?"
"Because this place doesn't have a spiky ceiling"

"Geez you're like dealing with a five-year-old"

"Aha! Trying to trick me, eh?
I tried to kill you! Why are you letting me go?"
"Maybe it was the part where you couldn't hit me at all"

"Listen to you. I lost to some spineless thief."

I love this quote. I think it's fantastic.



"My grandfather told me not to leave the village until my sixteenth birthday...
But I want to go with you guys! I really do!"

"Fuck your grandpa, he was probably a bitch"

"... No?"
"... I'm sorry?"
"I'm sorry that I ate one of your moogles"
"I cooked him over a spit"
"how did it taste"
"More delicious than kal bi ribs and fresh rice and lomi salmon and kulolo for dessert"

"Received Memory Earring!"

"I'm furious! You went off without me again! You promised me you wouldn't!
What would you do if you went off and got into trouble!?
Oh well. Thank goodness we're both alright."

"We were born on the same day, and we have always been together!
This is our friendship ribbon! Mog gave it to me!
Mog, do you have the ribbon I gave you?"

good well does this mean i can equip it now

Say what you want, but the way the childhood crush was addressed in this game is just too

yes because when i think of girls i like, the first thing i do is scratch my ass

"I can hear a song..."

"Hmm. Upon further examination, no, you aren't in my pants. We need to remedy this sometime."

"I'm surprised you found this place.
You got the talent to be a bandit! How 'bout you and me team up? We'll call ourselves 'The Betrothed.'"

This game just keeps stealing my witty thunda

"If I am, I must've gotten it from you."
"Naw... It's all because you made the effort to learn."
"Without you, I couldn't have made it to Lindblum, much less seen a whole new continent."
yeah well if ff11 is any indication white mages can't solo for shit

"'Iole, Huihui... and even Beatrix, who we thought was our enemy."
"I haven't forgotten... I want to believe everyone is alright, but sometimes I just can't.
I hope I can live up to the hopes of everyone who has helped me."

"Nobody wants you to feel that way.
They didn't do it all for you, either. Each was following his own path."
"His own... path?
Well, what about you?"

"Ipsen is a character from a play, but he's a real-life adventurer. I think the play is based on his adventures.
It kind of goes like this..."

"What did they do?"
"How do I put this... they were, uh, dancers."
"I thought only women could be Dancers?"
"Mm... not this kind of dancer."
"What kind of dancer?"
"--Hey, look, this doesn't have anything to do with the story, you're going on a tangent.
One day, Ipsen got a letter. The letter was so wet from rain that most of the writing was illegible.
The only part he could read said "Come back home."
Nowadays, we have airships and stuff, but back then, it was really hard to travel.
He didn't know why he had to go back, but he got some time off, gathered his things, and set out on a journey home.
He walked a thousand leagues through the Mist. Sometimes he was attacked by vicious monsters, but he made it, because his friend Colin was by his side.
And then, after much time on the road...
He had to ask Colin something."


"What a fascinating ending."

Some people talk about FF9's existential themes, or its love story, or about how it's cute and fun and clever and magnificent. But me? I guess it's only appropriate that I remember it most for its little stories.

"How come... Who's singing it!?
The sunset makes the Eidolon Wall look like it's on fire!"

"does this lighting make me look fat to you be honest"


"He's sleeping. I don't wanna wake him up.
The last time I tried he punched me in his sleep"

"I was raised in Alexandria... but only from the age of six or so."

"I must have been here, in Madain Sari."

"About ten years ago, an unbelievably huge hurricane hit this village. That's as far as I remember.
That day, I... I was with my true mother on a little boat, far from the village.
There's a cove behind Makie's house, right? The boat I was on was just like the one there.
It all came back to me when I heard that song on the boat."

"But maybe Doctor Tot can tell me.
About the lady who protected me from the storm as the boat lurched about in the waves..."

"(Holly has lost two mothers...)"

"I'm so happy I remembered."

"I'll be breaking my promise to my grandpa, but I wanna go!"

I had an intellectually-stimulating discussion with a friend of mine the other night about what Hawaiian culture is: what we were, who we are, where we're headed in this age of increasing "globalized culture." Ancient Hawaiians didn't pray at all similarly to the way modern Christian ones do; after the cultural revival from the 60s and 70s, you ended up with this weird synthesis in which you'd be invoking the ancestors and the Hawaiian pantheon in the same sentence as the Christian God. As he put it, it's disrespectful both to your ancestors and to any imagined God figure.
And then what of the culture today? A lot of Hawaiians look at those SYMBOLIC MODERN VOYAGES using traditional Hawaiian navigation techniques and think "oh man look at how awesome we were," but when you think about it, we were sailing the Pacific without modern conveniences in 400AD, and we're STILL doing the same damn thing two millennia later. It's no longer an achievement so much as stagnation.
I think modern Hawaiian culture has very little to do with past achievements, but rather what we are doing to define it at this very moment in time. Whether it's getting out there protesting American occupation, writing children's literature, taking part in a DDoS attack with Anonymous, playing da nintendo, tailgating in Hilo, going to school on the mainland for the sole purpose of hooking up with haole chicks, drinking Heineken all day and collecting welfare, walking halfway across the island because you want some fuckin' sushi: these are all very Hawaiian things, because these are the things that Hawaiians do today, whether positive or negative. It is what we, ourselves, are doing right now that defines us, not something our ancestors did centuries ago. But until the rest of us adopt this way of thinking, we'll continue to praise God while talking about all the scribbles on our proverbial Eidolon Wall, and our stagnation will turn to rot.

oh look who decided to pay us a visit

"Your actions yesterday were incomprehensible to me.
Tell me! Why didn't you kill me!?"

"Then come with me."

"Follow me and maybe you'll understand.
Besides, you're pretty good in a fight.
Even if you can't touch this.
We could use someone like you. We're hunting a man down."

"What's your name?
Hmm... Lani called you 'Red,' right?"

obligatory flaming faggot joke

mahu is hawaiian for gay
Due to a very strange language-culture mechanic, the homosexual community in Hawaii is not at all viewed as appalling unless you ask an insanely religious zealot (and, despite being very Christian, most Hawaiians are interestingly enough not overzealous--again, probably related to HCE language culture). Simply because of how they are referentially incorporated into the language, they are "different" from "you" in the sense that "Japanese people" and "Filipino people" and "Chinese people" and "Portuguese people" and "Hawaiian people" and "Haole people" are different from each other. Being gay is linguistically exactly like not being of the same race as a given person, and it is reflected in how gays largely regarded.
That is to say, it makes for good stereotype humor, but honestly nobody gives a fuck.

no i am not that immature

Ka- is a common nominal prefix in Hawaiian name structure; it is simple enough, meaning "the." The ka- variant is ke- and is applied before a cv _a morpheme similarly to how some consonants are changed in Japanese when following a prefixed word or phrase simply because it rolls off the tongue more easily.
There are a number of definitions for "welo," but by basic analysis, we can rule out the intransitive verbal forms that have to do with either the flowing of the ocean or wind, or the setting of the sun. It does have a n form that refers to a family line or trait, but it can also refer to the names given to one of the ancient navigational stars. Take your pick; I'm going with the star because the dictionary example of the n uses a different article marker that I am not familiar with.

this party now has a height requirement
makakao doesn't actually make it but i'll count his hat just for the sake of kicking you out