Part 61: It'll Stick Like That
'll Stick Like That

Oglop Cid has the best fuck-off squint ever.

man kilika not even i can look at the bright side this hard

Still, you have to admit that it's some fantastic comic relief right in the middle of one of the most tense sequences in the entire game.

Yup, still dead.
Even though your levels are probably half as high when you come here on the second disc, it's probably a better time to fight this boss because you can manage your damage with Huihui in order to always get the "magic number" of pages.

I dunno, I guess you can save these folks by telling them to evacuate.

Holly's first act as queen was to seal the surprise sex dungeon forever.

"Kuja might destroy this castle at any minute. Get out of here while you still can."

FF9: tellin' it like it is

At this point I would probably shout at the castle to stop fucking shaking and kick the railing or something and that would be the end of everybody.

today is MAKE FACES day

make faces and DEATH BY DECAYING day

yeah not even sure what's going on anymore

"Yes I'm sorry I took so long but I just always wanted to be in a Die Hard-type shot"

Best face in the entire game.

"We sure did

"And by 'let's' I mean 'you' and it is also inferred that you should make me a sandwich while you're there."

Oh we'll be seeing a lot of this symbol soon enough.

"I never imagined he would choose to end his remaining days on Gaia...
Perhaps, this was fate, set in ages past.
I, too, cannot escape my fate; someday, I must face your counterpart..."
way to misuse the semicolon garland

Suddenly, we're back in Lindblum.


no, i don't like where this is going


"Okay, I guess..."

Iz has eaten his last donut, I'm afraid.

"It's about time I started getting some respect around here."