Part 62: Smooth Like Buttah

So if you remember--which you might not because I may or may not have showed the conversation where this guy talks about how this is a steam engine--this contraption runs the lift inside the castle. Fantastic little details that you don't even need to care about.

ah yes the classic "cautiously care about others by pretending you're caring about yourself"
i'd criticize it but i've done it before too

"Ohhh, okay. You're so happy to see me, you don't know what to say."

"You still owe me a date. Come on. Let's go."
Now I dunno if this line actually appears if you lost or what. I've never lost to see how it affects the game in the long-term, but I'm sure they planned for it.

I dunno, this whole exchange is pretty awkward because it's completely one-sided, but at the end it's both

Compare to before, when everything was covered in Mist.

"I... can't tell if you're being sarcastic or what."

"... You wanted to see me to tell me to go downstairs. That's just faaaaaaantastic."

Everyone is surprised here because the throne literally drops through the ceiling. It's impossible to capture in images since it happens while the screen is fading in. Completely unnecessary, but I mean if I had a badass steampunk castle, I would have the same exact thing.

"(I still can't believe it...)
(So many people were killed.)
(The survivors are homeless and destitute.)
(Maybe I shouldn't have listened to Makie and summoned Alexander...)
(No. It's not her fault.)"

"(I got everyone involved in this: Kilika, Makakao, Huihui... everyone...)
(I shouldn't have assumed the throne...)"

"When you go beyond despair, it causes a memory address overflow error and you circle around to happy, right?"

"Beatrix and I were prepared to give our lives..."

you were right next to her

"What is he trying to accomplish?"

Well that's certainly more ethical than making up a story about magical WMDs and invading him that way

"I saw him on my stolen airship, Hilda Garde 1 <gwok>."
something about also black mages being there

how do you even know this, did you fly up next to them and ask them how they were doing

"Well maybe they wanted to add fabulousness to their cultural repertoire"

"For a second, I thought I was...
What can that old fool do to me!? He can't kill me! Nothing can!
... Besides, he's already too late. The wheels are already in motion."

"Garland sent us a signal. Or tried to knock us all down, or some other idiotic memetic phrase."

"Hahaha... Kilika, your role in my play is far from over."

Bunansa, Raines, Previa, Pollendina, Highwind, Kramer, and that Spaniard with the jacket? They bitches. There's only one Real Cid, and he's a man and a half even when he's a cockroach.

"And I doubt I can oversee the construction of a new airship in my current form.
Artania, is there anything that can be done?"

"But you know how long-winded he is. The short answer? No."

"Hmm? Where is the princess? Makie is missing, too."
"Well y'know you can save the world but you can't save everyone in it"


"... Spontaneously combusted."


"... until she can overcome her grief."

"Why? What are you gonna do?"

Hell yes.

"Tell me how to turn Cid back into a human! That's the only way!"

"... Actually, there may be another way. Long ago, I read a book on metamorphosis that discussed methods to reverse the effect."

"'If you are looking for a way to turn your wife into a complete whore in bed (by which I mean both willing to do anything, and absolutely covered in glitter and venereal diseases), this is the sort of book for you. Of course, it is a very arcane spell and the publisher was very hesitant to even let me put it in, so I had to bury it in the deepest depths of this book and wasn't even allowed to reference it in the table of contents. I suppose there will be no bookshelf browsing for you.'"

"Yes. I expected the ingredients to such a powerful cure to be more exotic, too.
But as you mentioned, they are no longer popular, so I do not know if we can find them."

Suddenly, I don't think I would want to drink this concoction if I were Cid.


Harold & Kumar go to Broken-Ass Castle