Part 77: Into a World of Illusions

So Kawelo's dodge animation is pretty badass, just pointing that out

Oh also we got to 99 somewhere around there

Frogs, always.
Once we catch 99...

"Before you go... You take final test!"

Quayle has some weaksauce attacks, and a highly-damaging water spell.
Too bad for him that Water is a reflectable spell. It does fully heal him, but really, I'm just buying time.

With a prize like this, who wouldn't?

At this point, Holly got Trance and I decided to summon Ark.

See, the thing about her Eidolon command that makes it so absolutely superior

lies in its mechanics. Once you cast a summon with Eidolon once, it gives that summon on a separate ATB timer.

Its speed is roughly equal to Holly's; it will repeat every time its ATB fills, whether your party is acting or not. The damage formula is equal to the "short summon" formula--that is to say, one-third effectiveness--but with a summon like Ark or Bahamut, you'll be doing 8000-9999 anyway.

And if you do actually issue commands, unless you queue them all up at once (which makes sense that some players will on account of not being familiar with the inner workings of this iteration of the ATB mechanics), you'll literally--not exaggerating at all--get a free summon between every single action.

This effect persists as long as Holly is in Trance, and Eidolon triggering doesn't deplete her Trance bar at all. The only things that do are acting, and just out-right dying.
So fuck y'all. "I love Double Black so much!" "No way, the best Trance command is Double White!" "Yeah Eidolon sucks, what does it do, give it the long animation and maximize its damage? Pfffff"
And now you know how it actually works, and that it can singlehandedly kill the secret boss with the most HP in the entire game.

Quayle gives us the Gastro Fork, which is Iz's best weapon.

uh no they don't they call it the path of souls

"If not, we'll just splat on the ground.
We'll be fine! Considering all that we've been through, this is nothing!"

yes genius ideas up in this piece, let's jump into the giant nuclear explosion

magic sperm toilet

"aaaaaugh this thing is so gross"

it looks like rusty has like three chins in this shot

oh buddy let's get hiiiiiiigh

"What's this light? Could it be..."

"What is your name?"
"Who am I? Who are YOU!?"
I thought I was so clever for coming up with this line years ago. And then it popped up in Suikoden 4, and I stopped associating myself with it.

"Boy, you have been bewitched by the light of the blue moon.
Come and see for yourself... See what Terra is, and what you are..."

"Yes. Everyone's fine."
Very well,

I suppose we'll take the D-List in that case.

this is kind of a cross between

As was pointed out in the thread, Terra has the same treasure box models as Oelivert and Ipsen's Castle, indicating that those are Terran relics. However, Kuja's Desert Palace doesn't actually have treasure boxes in it, so it's impossible to comment on its origins. I somehow doubt Terrans would've have a little torture room and a carved-out airship dock, though; that place was probably all Kuja.

Marvel at Terra's creepy biological-looking architecture while we chase after that chick.

Oh, and the Hecteyes. If you didn't learn it from the Zombies at the Iifa Tree, these guys also teach you Roulette.

"Follow me, and you will understand us.
... and maybe your own heritage as well."

"This is where you belong."

I dunno, it's hard to take a city with a name that sounds like a breakfast cereal very seriously.

"oh curses i forgot my comb at home"

"ruining my hair so much"

"i am so cross that i think i might just faint dead away"

"Just like a newborn child.
You don't know why you were given life, or for what purpose you exist...
You simply shout to emphasize your life... your own existence."

"Watch over her, Huihui! I'll be right back!"

"'k I'm ready to come rejoin you guys now"

"In time, we will receive souls. Then our bodies will begin to grow."