Part 81: Okay Taking A Break From L.A. Noire
Because I've been playing it for a couple hours and my interrogation technique is starting to slip. But holy shit this is like a cross between detective movies, GTA, Mafia, and Phoenix Wright. Not kidding. Oh also they weren't shitting you when they said "climbing out of Uncanny Valley," these faces are realistic but the faces themselves move so realistically that they don't feel like creepy Muppet People.I just wish it didn't seem so short, I'm already on Case 7 and I'm doing all the police radio stuff too.

"I mean that's cool and all, but didn't your parole officer tell you to stop thinking those kinds of thoughts?"

"I don't want you to leave us again...
So, I'll keep watch over you!"

oh shit beholder boss

"Um... About what happened earlier..."

"What you said to me... It made me really happy..."

Fuck the haters.

"I warp inside from bottom of ship!"

"Stop talking like that! Do you really believe what you just said!?"

"But Garland is dead. Terra will soon be destroyed. What's the point?
Did you find an answer?"

"It's gonna be hard... but I've got my friends. It isn't so bad.
Hey, what's your name?"

What, did Garland stop watching shitty sports and start watching shitty animes in the past twelve years?

"He'll be here any minute! He's looking for the last Genome..."

holy shit airship get your ass in gear

For being an especially fat airship, it can rocket upwards pretty well

Funnily enough water in video games still looks exactly like this eleven years later.

"... Are you talking about Kuja?"
"Do you really think he perished with Terra?"

"There was one thing Garland said...
Something about a tree that serves as a gateway of souls between Gaia and Terra...
Yeah... It's the Iifa Tree."

"Yes, but, like, I love clouds"
"Dammit Huihui"
"Look there's a cloud dragon over there"
"Oh you're right. And look over there, it's a cloud shut the fuck up"


wait no that's not the fourth disc
where did i put my fourth disc