Part 82: Doin' This

I dunno, I kinda like how Start of Disc 2's save is only Kilika, Start of Disc 3 is only Holly, and Start of Disc 4 is both of them. I don't know if it's some extra symbolism they tossed in but whatev', it's an interesting touch.

"I have no clue why he chose this dump, though."

"We'll take good care of them. Your friends are our friends."
"Even if they drink all the milk and move their tequila mix to the front of the fridge?"
"Well, I mean, within reason."

"I think Bobby Corwen likes you, too."

"Wow. I think Bobby Corwen really likes our new friend."

No. No, they can't.
I actually have a story about this. Back in the boarding school, there was of course me, but there was another fella who had the same first name. He was an upperclassman, though, so he already had a monopoly on it. I was relegated to both my first and last name at once, and it actually caught on to even the day students who knew me.
"Dammit why can't you guys just call me T.W.? You always have to say T.W. Dragon, it's always the whole frickin' thing"
"I... uh, I dunno. You're T.W. Dragon, that's how it is"
"Yeah but it's so dumb, it's even more syllables"
"Well, it kinda rolls off the tongue"
And so it was.
Funnily enough, I absolutely hated it at the time, but I've grown to like it rather much. When I find myself in situations in which I have to refer to myself in the third person, I always just do the whole thing. It feels more natural saying it myself than just my first name, oddly enough, just like they said. I dunno. But it's become me.

"What are customers?"
"They're assholes and if you take too long counting their change they'll hit you
Well, they bring money, and they hand the money over to the shop, and then..."
"What is money?"
"Money is, uh..."

"World only have two things: Things you can eat and things you no can eat."

Some folks like to pair Kawelo and 'Iole. I dunno, I never got that kinda vibe from it even back when I used to be into that kinda stuff (but I guess doing LPs is sort of in the same vein), but maybe I'm just not astute enough to pick up on it.

Why, is he gonna get on the loudspeaker and be all,

"Even if we go back to Lindblum to get equipped, please don't tell Uncle Cid about our plans."

"Yes. Let's go."

"Her name is Mikoto. She's kinda like my little sister."

Huihui is still a great character, but for very different reasons from why he was so back on the first disc.

The Invincible is a bit more versatile than the Hilda Garde III. Whereas the latter could only land on grassland, our new airship can now set down pretty much anywhere you can walk save for forests, which makes navigating the Forgotten Continent easier. Of course, we have a flying Chocobo, which renders this point moot.

We can get the last Stellazio Coin if we go to the bridge.

"But there are still things I must protect. Seeing this sky convinced me."

"I'm riding on the airship that killed my mothers and destroyed my birthplace..."
"I'm sorry... You probably don't want to ride this airship."
"Don't worry about it... Kuja and Garland were the ones who chose to destroy. Not the ship.
And I want to stop blaming my sorrow on other things..."
Well, this world would be a better place if folks were able to hold themselves accountable like this. But folks can't. And that's our generation, the one that needs to fix shit or it'll be broken so much it'll never get put right. So many of us are responsible only to ourselves, accountable to nobody: a mindset that'll send us spiraling into the dystopias we grew up reading warnings against.

I guess we bought a bunch of shit, I dunno. Also note that Kilika's Speed is at 46. Apparently you can get it to its maximum of 50 if you use the hidden stat grinding technique, but what a pain.

"What's the point of this? It isn't like the dead would appreciate it."

"Look man I know you spent forever literally living under a rock but like
you gotta drop the Austin Powers look you got"

"Some item you have is responding to this machine..."

"Dreams and magic have no meaning without a civilized world...
The ignorant ones always strive for power, never realizing that what lies beyond is despair...
But maybe they will bring with them hope, and show us a new way of life...
God bless the visitors from the land of dreams and magic... and glory to the soldiers of light who will lead us to the new world."

"A resident spirit inside and item responded to this amplifier."

So apparently this is a rearrangement of Doga and Une's theme from FF3. I've never gotten far enough in it to know because I'm one of Those Sorts Of People when it comes to video games--as you no doubt can tell (and have called me out on) from this very playthrough--and I always get hung up on leveling my job classes even though it doesn't mean shit in FF3 past regulating Crystal Sickness, even if it gives you obscenely minuscule bonuses in FF3DS.
Oh I do have a ridiculous GameFAQs story, though. Back when I was reading up on FF3DS guides for mechanics and shit, I came across a Very Special Guide. No, it's not the It Is A Himitsu job class guide for FF3. Instead, it was a pretty crappy but obviously painstakingly-crafted walkthrough with a very special dedication.
I think Elia is a character in FF3 or someshit, I have a few "Elia's Theme" remixes even though I never got that far.

Just to show, once you get to the fourth disc, a lot of the normal monsters "go extinct" and you start encountering enemies from Terra.
This is problematic in particular if you haven't got Goblin Punch, because I am 99% certain that the basic Goblin enemies really do disappear completely--at least in early prints of FF9--even though there are some claims to the contrary.


by which I mean "grab Choco and go search for treasure"

This one is a pain in the ass because there is literally no indication as to where the treasure is.

Completely worth it, though.