Part 88: Vfhwhhhhhhhhhhhhh (this is the camera sound from the matrix)
okay new page let's do this, hate to multiple-post but this is the sort of thing you gotta divide up unless you want a 300-image final update

"So, what Kuja said was true...
The Iifa Tree is beginning its violent reaction."

"What!? Where are they?"

"The Hilda Garde is probably closer..."

"You're not General Beatrix. Who are you?"
"My name is Mikoto.
Everyone is alive. You are very close to them."

"Gah, that asshole. He wants to be like fuckin' Golbez, I swear"

"... He's still alive."

"This is ludicrous. Just because you two are from the same planet doesn't mean--"

"Because I might've done the same thing if I were in his shoes.
I probably would've fought against you guys and wreaked havoc in Gaia like he did...
I know it sounds crazy...
... but I know, deep down inside, I have to do this."

"But you go help Kuja not good idea. Is too dangerous."
"... I can't just leave him. There's no way I could live with myself.
Maybe... but we all have to make big decisions in life sometimes.
For me, now's that time."

"Even so, he's still a busta"

"You've definitely taught me to take life more seriously."

"You're a real simpleton.
Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool.
Come on. Let's just leave him and get outta here."

This whole bit is just really fantastic.

"... I'm sorry for being so selfish."

"... You've done so much for us.
If it weren't for you, I probably would've led a meaningless life.
With you, I was able to see so much of the world and meet so many people.
We faced many hardships, too... but... I think I finally know what's important.
I'm so fortunate to have met you. I'll never forget our trip together."

"Promise me one thing... Please come back."

yes shut up no that is just a piece of dirt in my eye

see look, now i'm pickin' my nose

doesn't mean my nose is cryin'



yeah i would've used my usual, which is higher quality, but the problem there is that if you just access the game's FMV files, it won't have any non-fmv sprites

I kind of wish that this was a impossible-to-lose ATE, except Kilika trips and gets smacked around if you fail.

Well, more than he does already.

the end

"I guess that was pretty crazy."

"Yeah... I knew you had something to do with it."
"... I'm glad they made it."
"Yeah, well... it's our turn to get movin'."

"I'm useless to this world."
"No one's useless...
You helped us escape, remember?"
"Actually no"
"What do you mean, no, this happened like five minutes ago"

"Then, I finally realized what it means to live...
I guess I was too late."

"But you gave us all one thing...
We were all created for the wrong reason,
but you alone defied our fate.
We do not want to forget this.
We want your memory
to live on forever..."