Part 99: A Non-Update
Viola the Mad posted:
TWD, I know by now that you hate the most recent FF games and pretty much everything else Tetsuya Nomura creates. But you still seem pretty familiar with them nevertheless, which makes me think that you play the games. I gotta ask, why do you bother picking up these games at all? I don't mean this question in ajackass way, I'm genuinely curious.
Well, I picked up The Bouncer back when I was young and naïve. Same for KH. FF13, admittedly, I didn't play it, but y'know, Know Thy Enemy. My roommate at the time was all over that shit and he let me watch on the one condition that I kept my mouth shut, knowing I had no love for Enix. It was the worst condition ever.
The World Ends With You is my own fault, my friends recommended it to me on its "stellar battle system" but I should know by now that I hate battle systems; I like numbers that I can predict and crunch and crush. A pretty weird and analytical contrast to someone who prefers the creative work, but whatev'. I was a Conscious Consumer and bought it used, though, I'll give cheap-ass "here's a rewrapped 'new' game with no instruction manual" Gamestop a few bucks before I'd give Enix a bucket of spit if it were on fire.
Pureauthor posted:
A 'deeply depressed Sora' is not Sora at all.

Update... later. Tomorrow if I'm lucky. I'm kinda in the middle of getting this Hackintosh working. No more MS Word overheating my computer. In fact, no more MS Word at all. So in the meantime, have A NON-UPDATE

what the fuck is a guy even supposed to do with this shit

awwwwwww yeah

It almost feels like there was a sort of blasphemy committed here, but after Apple tried to charge me $2000 more than what I paid to build a computer of equal power and a third of the warranty I got with my parts, there is no love lost here.
All the functionality, none of the price tag (don't worry, I bought the OS legit a year ago or so).
also it runs starcraft 2 on all-maxed settings at 60fps in osx which is nuts considering that osx and sc2 aren't even optimized for each other