Part 2: Magic City Gariland

While I thought a reference to how much screaming he's going to do was funny, Ramza won by a significant margin.

Capricorn won, and I thought having his birthday be the date this LP started was a nice touch.

This time, Ramza spawned in the tutorial fight with Throw Stone!

It works exactly as advertised. Pitiful damage, but its early-game range and that's a few more JP to earn.
Anyway, on with the plot.

The Orbonne fight? It's technically the start of Chapter 2. Chapter 1 is a flashback in a flashback.

That "little money" there is famous for how damn long it takes. I'd say about 7 seconds of sitting there as letters slowly form.

"Thank you for saving our town, Archmagus Omnimind, but you still aren't a hero."
Also, this scene takes place in the military academy at Gariland, where nobles are trained in the arts of war. Ramza, being of the famous Beoulve family, will follow in the footsteps of his father and brothers, heroes of the Fifty Year's War.

The WotL translation fits these chapter names into the conversations, which is at once cheesy and awesome.

Limberry is really far away from Igros, the castle where Larg lives. It's a week's journey at best and the roads aren't safe these days. It must be something really important for Elmdor to make this trip.

Finally, some action! Anything is better than standing around gossiping!

(Note: Gallionne is the duchy of Larg.)

Then another knight arrives and whispers the speaker a message.

Well, we won't have to wait for a fight, there's one right here!

I get a chance to save, so I make two files in preparation for when I'll want two files.

Those four squires and two chemists are Ramza's troop for this fight.

One squire of each gender has a broadsword, while the other pair has knives.

I'll be taking the broadsword guys, as they hit harder, and the two chemists for healing.

The bandits are a bunch of squires and a chemist, led by this guy with a bigger weapon and a unique mugshot.

Can't have sympathetic villains this quickly! These guys are out-and-out mean and bad.

Thus begins the first real battle.

Oh yeah, Delita's here. He's a guest so, like everybody in the Orbonne battle, he isn't under our control.

Instead, he gets himself clobbered by Commodore Gruff of the lame-o bandits.

Damn, they're on the rooftops too!

"Swords hurt!"

Ramza has some nice shoes so he can move really, really far.

Anyway, here's my female squire's current JP. 29 left, keep that in mind.


Notice that it's two higher now. This is spillover JP, and it'll be one of my bestest friends forever.

Chemists have range with potions that other characters don't due to Throw Item, so Delita gets healing for his gaping sword wound.

Commodore Gruff gets cut down in his prime.

The female chemist waits, so she only takes half the time to get another turn, in case someone needs healing soon.

Damn, can't really see, can you?

That's a better view for all these buildings.

The enemy chemist is liable to heal himself for days.

Well, shit. I thought the body of water would inhibit movement and keep her safe.

Now we're on a clock to kill these fuckers before that chick dies!

If four rounds pass without reviving her, she'll be gone for good. Totally dead. Worm food. There's no hope ever of reviving her.

She'll turn into a chest or a crystal. And we'll have to hold a funeral.

However, the chemist is defeated just in time! She'll live...

But... they tired to once and got nothing for it...

After every fight we get money equal to the total level of all enemies times 100.

Story battles and one random battle give war trophies.

Anyway, our next goal is to trek across the Mandalia Plains to Igros Castle.

But first, I want to kick out these jokers.

Ramza, being the main character, is stuck here.

Delita, too.
Alazlam's history must look weird, huh? "Then Ramza fired everybody and hired random dudes with funny names."

Oh yeah, speaking of which, these starting guys are generated out of my control. I need to play with starting Brave and Faith values and zodiac signs, so I'm hiring an entirely new crew of generics, two guys and two girls.

Girls are 100 gil cheaper because of they have daggers while the dudes have broadswords.

I can only get one of the guys now because of the cost, but the other guy will get recruited later.
I need names for these four valiant warriors. They will be
1) A female Wizard who will do entirely unfair things.
2) A female Priest who will do entirely unfair things.
3) A male Chemist who will branch off into shooting peoples' clothes off.
4) A dude who will do mundane things on the frontlines and likely get replaced with a special character who can do his job better.
Due to Brave, Faith, and Zodiac signs being randomized, I can't ensure any of those. These guys aren't relevant to the plot in the slightest, so crazy names are perfectly fine! Go wild! I don't care if the guy shooting clothes off is named Cpt. Asspants or anything!