Part 3: Interlude 1 - Pro Menu Navigator 1998, Ivalice Edition
This is a test of 512x480 screenshots, too.
Out! Out, all of you!

Don't give me any damn sob stories! Just get out!

There, now Ramza and Delita can have some... alone time. Hey, Delita, wanna play my reed flute?

Anyway, the first generic will be the Wizard. I'm getting her as a Taurus because it has good compatibility with Capricorn and Virgo, meaning she'll be able to Haste Ramza easily and Flare away most bosses.

Eventually, I find one with decent enough Brave and Faith. High brave is useful on everyone but a person for move-find item, and a special character starts with a measly 31 so I'll use that one for moving-finding items. She'll be using a shit-ton of magic so Faith is almost a requirement.

This soldier is dubbed Norma de Sade despite her adamant protests that her name is Gloria.

My original plan was to use a Sagittarius, because the biggest stealing target was a Male Gemini until I noticed that it doesn't work at all with my other guys.
You know what does work?

My own Virgo. Now she, Norma de Sade, and Ramza are in a vicious triangle of good compatibility. They can haste, preach to, and encourage each other.

She was calling herself Nancy until I paid off the county clerk and legally changed her name to Mademoiselle Eldena.

The triangle of good doesn't allow strangers in, but Taurus has a best/worst relationship with Scorpio.

Fist Rockgroin didn't mind the name change.

Anyway, time to learn some abilities!

Gained JP Up improves JP gains by 50%. It's a hell of a boost. It doesn't effect spillover, but it's big enough that no one cares.

He also picks up Potion and Phoenix Down, and I forget that I was going to show off a glitch here.

Note that Ramza could become a Knight, but Gariland doesn't sell heavy armor so he'd be a Nude Knight.

The Broadsword and the Mythril Knife have the same stats, but swords and knives use different formulas. ([PA*.5]+[SP*.5])*WP vs. PA*WP. Because he has 6 speed, it comes out a little higher for the knife.

Since the new guys come fully equipped, I sell off everything.

The Holy Water sells for a tidy 1000 gil, and by the time I need some, 2000 gil for a bunch of items is a pittance.

Potions potions potions. No one is allowed to die again. That was embarrassing.

Naw I got this.

He's restraining himself here, but soon, soon, Ramza will be dying of poison, begging for help, and this shopkeep will be standing there, smirking, telling him "I bet you wish you bought that antidote, don't you, you bastard!?" Then he will have his victory.

Selling everything made me enough money to buy the last guy.

Aries doesn't really interact much with the other signs I have, and he need some Brave to punch people really hard.

I hear these are from some MST episode, and I'd love to know which one. Anyway, BulkVanderhuge questions the lack of a space in his name only briefly.

Everyone but Ramza can throw stones at this point. It's important to get some early JP.
Anyway, next up is Mandalia Plains, where the courageous thing to do is to leave someone to die.