Part 6: Sweegy Woods


Fuck! I just wanna go to Igros and buy some armor!

I see how it is, I'll fight your stupid battle.

Oh look it's the same fucking formation as the last two times, too.

It was at this point that I realized that I didn't post music for random battles.
A Chapel
Desert Land
Random Waltz
Pick one every time I'm in a random battle and you'll soon be as sick of them as I am. I'm listening to an entirely different game's soundtrack at this point.

Some actions have a Speed-based formula, most notably Steal. When it comes time to steal things Ramza will be yelling at the thief the whole damn time.

Haste increases the rate CT is gained by 50%. It doesn't effect actual Speed.
Don't let that dissuade you. Haste is probably the most powerful status in the game.

Protect's incantation.

5 level 3 enemies. I think half of my money issues come from how low-level the enemies are.

I thought I should get Raise for Dorter. Having two guys who can revive everyone is better than one guy.

More HP for Ramza and Bulk. Gotta make 'em tough.

Staves use MA instead of PA for calculating damage. It makes them viable early-game.

Delita is an archer so everyone else gets spillover JP and can try to avoid this bad of a job.

I briefly consider getting Fist Throw Item so he could finally become a Knight himself and gain some real JP towards his shooting off clothing plan. I decide against it and regret it.

Just one more for security's sake!

Hahaha! That Goblin is going to die and he's helpless to stop it!

The girls have no need of break skills or equip armor, so they get Weapon Guard. It allows them to use that Weapon Evade to... Evade attacks. Their staves have 15% evasion, by the way.

With all these healing and defensive spells, my goal is a little more...

...Damaging. Holy is probably the center of my plans for every boss battle past chapter 1. It's damage formula [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 50] so it'll hit from 200 to 999, depending on how insane I am.

She's an Oracle now to unlock Mediator. And Calculator

The last of Ramza's gil is spent on some potions.

With ten gil to his name, Ramza sets out to earn some more by killing things.

Delita and Algus start out behind everyone else like dorks.

The monsters approach!

They're pretty weak. If it weren't for the battle music and the guests, this could be a random encounter for how it plays out.

So much so that I do my regular nonsense, except Algus gets hurt for it instead of BulkVanderhuge.

Black Goblins use Turn Punch almost exclusively.

Bombs shouldn't be left with low HP or they try to explode. It deals pretty decent damage.
A note on the Oil status: It should increase the damage the target takes from Fire. What it actually does is nothing at all.

Bombs are also total messes of status resistances.

Ramza handles them easily with his swordplay, though.

Eye Gouge inflicts Darkness on the target.

So does Blind. Here's its incantation.

DAMMIT DELITA I mean I know I gave you a bow but you should really stop killstealing its rude.
Bows have a minimum range. You could try to shoot a farther away panel right behind the enemy and hit him anyway, though it doesn't work out that well with longbows due to how they arch shots.

Who wants to see how wrong a battle can go because of a 5% chance? I know I didn't.