Part 8: Zeklaus Desert

I could saunter right in to the desert, but I need some supplies.

A lot of potions, in other words.

Norma gets the robe because Haste costs more MP.
Then she never casts Haste the entire battle. Huh.

Zeklaus Desert is the first battle to introduce squads.

Each squad starts in a different spot. Ramza is stuck in the 1st squad because you can't remove him from story battles.
Add in how sometimes Ramza moves in cutscenes before the battle and you can see how this can get annoying.

Suddenly Ivalice's arid rodents shrink and are now mice. Considering that the sewer rats can get up to two feet in length maybe some tiny mice are a good thing.

Some Death Corps soldiers are in the remains of a building, discussing how the hell they can get out without dying.
Pay attention to the melody that starts 52 second in. There's a connection to a character's theme that we've yet to hear. If anyone knows of any other melodic connections like that, tell me. I'm no good at them unless they're pointed out to me, even though I love that kind of thing to death.

Their hope is crushed by Ramza and friends showing up to kill them horribly.

I forget to bring Norma the first time because BulkVanderhuge is actually participating in this fight for once. I have to reset for the silliest things.
I mean, I'd still win, but it wouldn't be a spectacle without her magic.

I once saw a stealing FAQ suggest that I grind to Steal Armor (600 JP on a third tier class) just to get this Silk Robe.
I don't think it's the robe that made the rest of chapter 1 easy for the guy.

"Fuck you, peasant scum! Eat rocks! Stupid commoners!"


Oh god they set themselves up for this. They have to file out of the door and since everyone has 3 move they get stuck.

This leads them to getting in formations prime for being blasted to hell.

Delita, currently a thief in a vain attempt to get some thief JP for Ramza, knifes the monk.
Considering Ramza will spend half of chapter 2 as a thief, it doesn't work out as well as I'd hope.

They keep getting stuck on this doorway! It's hilarious!

I was hoping Ramza could help with the mass of everyone but this monk but Delita will never get done and drink all my potions if he doesn't help kill this guy.

So they have to corner him and spend about 3 turns to find that the whole battle was won while Delita slobbered around.

Algus gets wasted. This is not an issue.

Wizards level this battle if the archer can't line up a shot over the walls. Stand next to the wall and he can't get an arch to the wizard.

Then the guys start dropping stuff so I decide to plunder.
Imagine, if you would, my sheer horror when I find out that the one guy left alive is the silk robe holder.

Sorry, Delita, but you'll kill the guy and end the corpse plundering.

But then it turns out, besides the Silk Robe, it's mostly junk.


The blind knife isn't any stronger than the Mythril Knife, but it inflicts Darkness sometimes.

Inside a building that still stands, Wiegraf is in a stand-off with a Death Corps knight, while the hostage Marquis Elmdor lays unconscious.

Wiegraf's skills in combat far outweigh Gustav's.

Gustav charges, but Wiegraf nimbly evades.

This attack was as ill-fated as the kidnapping.

(Stabbing count: 1)
Wiegraf's victory over the traitor to the cause, however, is short lived. Outsiders burst through the door.

Wiegraf regains his composure and points his sword at the Marquis.

The Marquis stirs. While they are distracted, Wiegraf quickly flees.

Ramza and company, with the Marquis safe, begin to return to Igros. Punishment for abandoning their post surely awaits them...