Part 10: Lenalia Plateau

For those in the audience who hate serious talking scenes, Algus is naked for this next bit.

Ramza returns to Igros to news of the attack. He meets with Dycedarg, who is recovering from his injury.

: Leave the rest to Zalbag and relax for a while... No need to worry.... It's not that bad of a wound.

: Teta... What about Teta?

: As soon as we find their base, Zalbag will attack in force.

: W, What?

: Death Corps is falling apart. Deserters are down to a few. Wiegraf will be caught... It's just a matter of time.

: Teta... Are you deserting Teta?

: Don't worry. Everything's all planned. We won't attack until Teta's returned. For certain. I'd never abandon Teta. She's like a sister to me.
Ramza is relieved by the news. However, Delita is still anxious and furious...

: Just calm down!

: You don't know where she is! Don't waste your time!
Delita grabs Ramza's throat!

: Remember, Dycedarg said... He'd never abandon Teta... So....don't .... Ugh...I...can't breathe.
Delita, realizing his anger is misplaced, lets go.

: Y...Yeah... cough... cough...
But then-

: You mean my brother's lying?

: If I were him, I'd never save a common girl.

: What did you say...?

: I'm saying I'd never send troops to save you, commoner!

Delita punches Algus in the jaw for that comment. Algus falls back.

: Stop it, Delita!

: Heh! Commoners are all alike. You'll never be nobles! Delita, You don't belong here! Understand, rascal!?

: Damn you!

: Enough, Delita! And you too, Algus!

: Ramza, don't you see? He's not one of us. You see, Ramza, we nobles can't live with them.

: Lies! He's my good friend. We're like brothers!

: That's exactly the point. Don't act like friends. You are the son of a distinguished family. You cannot be with him. I'm sure your brothers would agree with me!

Delita pushes Ramza aside to say one thing to Algus.

: Not all nobles are like you! I trust Ramza!
And he leaves. Ramza, fed up with Algus's behavior, yells...

: Don't say that. We're friends, aren't we?

: I won't say it again. Get lost!
Algus takes a few steps, but stops and turns.

: There are several cordons, so you can't attack them from the front, of course. The only way is to attack from the rear. your best, you spoiled-rotten boy.

: Get out!!
Algus shrugs at this, and leaves.

But Ramza now has a lead to where Teta is.

Alazlam gives details about characters and events in the Brave Story menu. The neat thing is that it updates to where you are in the story.
Anyway, upon stepping in Mandalia Plains, Ramza and Delita find it a clam evening with a gorgeous sunset.
Here's this scene with a coherent translation. And capes. And Delita's awesome voice acting.

: ...Don't worry, Delita. I'm sure she's OK.

: ...I've felt out of place for a long time.

: Are you thinking about what Algus said?

: I guess there are some things you can't change, no matter what.

: Don't say that. If you put enough effort into it...

: Can I become a general if I tried hard enough? I want to rescue Teta on my own, but I can't do a thing. I'm 'useless'...

: ..........................
The awkward silence hangs until Delita breaks it.

Delita plays a note on a makeshift instrument made of grass. It's... something, alright.

Then Ramza plays a different note.

Then they both play, combining their music talents into...
A noise that goes on for way too long.

If it wasn't obvious already, Algus isn't around. Now both Bulk and Fist can participate in story battles.
They only do so once.

Ramza goes into Geomancer to get to level 2, but Attack UP would be a nice ability.
Lenalia Plateau is the first step towards Zeakden, so let's get going.

That's a really awkwardly shaped deployment area.

Guess who we're fighting.
If you guessed Miluda again already, you were right.

: Forget it. We might as well surrender....

: I'd rather die here than get taken prisoner!! Besides, if we get caught here, we'll be executed! Fighting is the only way out!

Same conditions as last time, too.

: Teta? You mean that Beoulve, Golagros took hostage?

: Teta's my sister! She has nothing to do with them! It's pointless to hold her hostage! Please, return my sister!

: And what about you? Will you Nobles give back all you took from us? We're only asking you to return what you took from us in the first place. But no-you just keep taking! Forcing us to retaliate! Just give up! There's no reason to return her!!

: I, I...!!

The wizards target somewhere I cannot see for the hills and uneven terrain on this plateau.

Well, ain't that a hoot.

Milly's got a new sword, and she's replaced the glove with a cape.

The enemy Time Mage has extreme difficulty believing in the very magic she wields.

So does the Wizard, it seems.

Miluda is reduced to hurling rocks at the nobles she so hates. This battle is going pretty well considering how little the Time Mage believes. Otherwise, I'd have a couple of hasted knights to cope with.

Slow's incantation.

Nope, no belief at all.

Norma takes out about three enemies in a single Ice.

BulkVanderhuge punches Miluda really hard.

So she hits Fist Rockgroin with a sword.

: Is it our fault? Are we making you suffer? What's the problem?

: Ignorance itself is a crime! What you think is right is only what you can see. But, that's not everything. It's not your fault. But I'll keep blaming you until there's a change! As long as you're a Beoulve, you're my enemy!

Fist is in a tight spot, what with several sword wounds and a fireball about to hit him. That's what Hi-Potions are for!

This wizard hits Miluda with his own spell as well as Fist.

Chakra is really strong for being free and recovering MP.

: Put the sword away, Miluda! No use fighting any longer! Let's put down our swords, stop fighting, and talk! There must be a solution to all this! Let's find it! I'll talk to my brother! No, I'll talk to Lord Larg! Trust me!!

: No more tricky smooth talk! I'm sick of your lies!

: I'm not lying!!

Fist and Miluda are caught in a fight to the death!

Except that Bi-count Dumbass here is still targeting Fist with more magic.

And he kills his own commander.

Fist dodges the spell anyway.

What a colossal idiot.

: Why...? What went wrong?

At least the rewards are nice...
Tune in next time, when Ramza gets his own pet dragon!