Part 109: Calculator
Job dissection: Calculator
Scholarly warrior create phenomenon through math. Uses 'Math Skill' to drive away the target.
EQ: Dictionary, Stick, Hat, Clothes, Robe, Accessory
HPM: 65 | MPM: 80 | SpM: 50 | PAM: 50 | MAM: 70 | Move: 3 | C.Ev: 05%
HPC: 14 | MPC: 10 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 70 | MAC: 50 | Jump: 3 |
+Math Skill is really completely broken
-The worst job in terms of stats
Math Skill is completely capable of ending battles consistently on the first turn. No other skill can claim this. Math Skill also has unheard of utility with having spells in all four classes of magic from the requiring jobs. You have pretty much every status in the game, positive or negative, incredible damage, and powerful healing. Play with elemental and status protection and you can do some craaazy shit.
The problem is that Calculators are hilariously slow. The rest of their stats aren't worth shit, with everything but MP below average. Use propositions to build Math Skill and put it on a Wizard or Priest and go to town. And by go to town I mean trivialize the game. I am honestly restraining myself from using Math Skill, I rarely bust it out, and those few times it completely humiliates the battle.