Part 117: Alucard eats peanuts in a pale pink cape (More April Fools '11)
HitTheTargets posted:
I think in Castlevania canon Dracula is Satan? Or at the very least the Anti-Christ.
Naw, there's a Satan. His ring is an accessory.
Frocobo posted:
Holy shit how did I never know this.
Nothing ever tells you. Just like:

Back-Forth then weapon, and the shield rod shoots Gradius options!

Press both circle and square with the sheild rod and a shield, and magic happens!

Like brutal murder with the Alucard Shield.

QCF and the Jewel Sword shoots out $1 coins.

QCF and elemental swords like icebrand they deal some extra damage.

QCF with the Lunar Rod makes it shoot out crescent blades that brutalize shit. Great for Guardians if you can keep both of them on screen!

QCF with the Fists of Tulkas and he shoots fireballs!

Duplicator with Meal Ticket. It's just a wacky scene.

Toss a peanut up and-

Oh dammit it fell the dirty

Hold Up so Alucard catches this thing. It doesn't quite work this attempt but-

There we go.