Part 12: Fovoham Plains

Fovoham. It isn't as simple as an adjective as Lesalia. Fovoham is the northern Duchy of Ivalice, ruled by Duke Barrington. His army and his assassin squad Khamja were essential in repelling the Romadian invasion in the 50-years war.
Either way, the Death Corps have spilled out of Gallionie. I guess this is so minor that the Duke is pretty much ignoring it.
Inside a windmill on the plains...

"If by our deaths a single drop of noble blood shoulder water the earth, they shall not be in vain." Is the line in WotL. It sounds so much better that way. Y'know, it makes Wiegraf sound less violent and more... er... the only word that comes to mind is "noble" which is completely ironic.

A messenger arrives and tells Weigraf the news he never wanted to hear...

He clenches his fist, tightening it in rage.

A voice outside yells an alert to the people inside - the Hokuten are here!

Everyone but Golagros and Teta leave.

For some reason you only get four guys. I bring the girls and Dirk Hardpec along.

This battle takes place outside the windmill. Fovoham Plains is famous for its high winds from the Larner Channel.
I don't know how many of you listen to the music links but you should definitely listen to Antipyretic there. It's completely amazing.

Defeating Wiegraf isn't as simple as Miluda was.

Wiegraf is not only heavily armed and armored...

But he is a White Knight, a warrior of light who can use Holy Sword techniques.

He also has this chocobo who has a fixed name, is immune to Invite, and doesn't crystalize.

Dirk goes straight up the steps, blocking the passage with his bulk.

Holy Sword is dangerous.

Crush Punch may not be any stronger than Stasis Sword...

But outright death is frightening, no? Dirk is lucky to avoid it.

Ramza smacks Wiegraf slightly harder than he would a normal guy. See? Wasn't all that Zodiac stuff important? ...See...?

Norma hits the enemies with a big Fire2.

Being a Red Dragon, Dirk is only healed by the flames. Not that it matters, as knocking Wiegraf to critical HP is enough to end the fight.

Ramza's mind reeled after hearing this. Even if he didn't want to believe it, it all made sense. The Death Corps are fighting for the common man, and they draw support from them due to their pure intentions.
What better way to weaken them then to ruin that? Gustav was convinced by what would be the large ransom to kidnap the Marquis for money. Of course, there was never any intention to pay them. It makes the Corps look like thieves despite their words. It would institute discord in their ranks for Gustav to disobey Wiegraf by acting alone. Most of all, it would get rid of the Marquis Elmdor, who seemed to be on Goltana's side, when the ransom never came.
But, Dycedarg, the proud knight of the Hokuten carrying out such a plan?

Wiegraf teleports away. Get used to enemies doing that.

Ramza and Delita run to the windmill...

They enter.

Delita gives Ramza's words no heed.

Ramza is unable to answer him...