Part 13: Fort Zeakden

Zeakden is afortress sitting in a valley. Though its not as naturally blessed as Beltha Garrison in Limberry, it was still a vital location for repelling the Romadian invasion in the 50 years war. Now, it's officially abandoned though the Death Corps have taken a liking to its location. With their numbers so few, though, the Corps couldn't possibly repel the Hokuten...

I place Ramza in a comical location to emphasize how cutscenes affect his position.

Dirk Hardpec and Mme. Eldena cover the other flank and will do inconsequential nonsense as they are far away from the boss.

Golagros, holding Teta as a human shield, threatens the Hokuten. Present are Zalbag and... Algus?!

Negotiations, as much of a sham as they are, are going poorly. Then, Ramza and his troop arrive.

Wait what?! Algus fires an arrow from his crossbow and-

The arrow hits Teta.

She collapses.

Golagros is simply dumbfounded.

Wasting no time, Algus gets him with an arrow!

Despite the distance, Delita can her her voice weakening.

Zalbag leaves.

Golagros crawls in the fortress. Delita doesn't seem to notice. He falls on his knees.

Then rises, fires burning in his eyes. Quickly he shoves Ramza out of the way.

Algus whistles.

More Hokuten troops arrive.

There's no excuse for what Algus has done. He must pay!

Teta's still there, though she's not alive. Even if you could get up there, she's got auto-dead so you can't revive her. Auto-dead is an inherent property of the Delita's Sis class. If I could somehow turn any of my characters into Delita's Sis, they would start the battle dead, too. Delita's Sis is immune to everything but dead. I mean everything. Charging, Performing, critical, unambiguously good stuff like Reraise and Haste too.
It has a description
Younger sister of Delita Hyral. Supported each other since their parents died at a young age.
though there's no way to see it.
I've now reduced the tragedy of Teta's death to a mechanical spectacle. I think I have issues.

Algus, the world's largest asshole, has a crossbow and auto-potion, though his low brave makes it barely any use.

As Dirk does stuff, Algus starts hitting Delita with arrows. Crossbows are comically bad at this point in the game.

Delita responds by swinging his sword wildly at Algus, his mind filled only with rage.

If you couldn't tell, Algus isn't the danger here. It's the Wizards. They love to cast Ice spells in the snow.

Then again, I like to do the same thing.

Half of the point of Ramza hitting the wizard was that he was targeted by the spell. The wizard is slain by her own magic.

Dirk spews lightning on a knight for some experience.

A knight uses a potion on Algus, probably to piss me off because now he has more than 70 HP, and Norma de Sade's Ice hits for 70.

Delita pays their conversation little attention.

Algus returns his attention to Ramza.

Algus actually uses Auto Potion here.
I think it's the third time he's ever done that to me.

As if to punctuate their words-

Algus gets hit with an Ice that ends his life.

Norma gets to 200 JP for that, as though the game is congratulating me for beating chapter 1 by giving me the stuff to beat up chapter 2.

After uttering these words, Algus falls to the ground, dead...

I kinda wish I wasn't paid for this...

After the Hokuten retreat, Delita goes to the body of his sister.

But a rumbling is heard - very close!

Ramza realizes Golagros was never finished off - and that the fort is full of gunpowder!

A huge explosion throw Ramza back! Delita yet stands motionless!

The the whole fort is engulfed in explosions! Delita can't be seen for the flames-!

Click the picture for a half-minute of music that plays over that narration by Ramza. With that, Chapter 1, The Meager, is over. Chapter 2 begins a year later with the kidnapping of Ovelia, so when we resume, it'll be time to pursue the princess.