Part 14: Dorter Trade City, #2

You get a chance to save in between chapters.

Chapter 2 opens with Ramza, Gafgarion, and friends discussing the kidnapping of the princess. It's been one year since Fort Zeakden. Ramza is under the name Lugria, his mother's maiden name, to hide his identity as a Beoulve. He has spent this time working as a mercenary with the ex-knight Gaff Gafgarion, who is the only person who knows the truth of his identity.

Is it fate that pulled him back to history's stage, or coincidence?

Agrias returns.

Simon emerges.

It's really rare that I time something like this so properly. This will be an issue throughout all of chapter 2.

Delita was engulfed in the explosion, Ramza saw it. Now, a year later, he's not only alive, but under Goltana? Why, Ramza asks himself.

Chapter two really begins now.

Rad, Alicia, and Lavian join the party. I keep them around for the novelty until the novelty wears thin and I get tired of them taking up three character slots and kick them out.

Gaffy and Agrias have some nice stuff.

Ramza has some nice stuff.

It isn't like they need armor from the end of this chapter, anyway.

Night Sword drains MP. Gafgarion will never learn it.

Oh, another thing, press select on a character's name to get a quote.
Except generics don't have quotes in this version. in the Japanese version and WotL, they give various gameplay tips or comical statements. It's tied to the default name they have.
I can't remember what Bulk or Fist were named, but Norma was once Gloria, so her quote would've been "Which sword is the strongest?" And Eldena, once Nancy, would've said "I love guys who can Jump 5 units!"
There's some interesting ones in there:
Dietrich: I'm looking for a girl who'll accept me even if I'm a Chemist!
Clive: My dream is to be a novelist! I joined up so that I could get material.
Boville: The best possible would would be one with no homework!
Constance: My boyfriend was eaten by a Pisco Demon!
Daisy: Tell me, is my Faith over 60?
Geist: ... ... ...Yes! I held my breath for three minutes!
Lombardi: I---ron, i---ron, iron swo---rd!
Perrine: I'm looking for a boyfriend: good looks and must be a Chemist.
Valerie: I want to try touching the skin on a bird's neck!
Carmine: If you've got a burn, you could put ice on it, but oil would work too.
Quinn: Hic! Bring me some beer!
I can't find one for WotL, however.

Rad, Alicia, and Lavian, despite being generics in every other case but fixed names, have quotes.

3 height below, but only 2 height above.

There's water, then there's deep water where only the unit's head is sticking out.

That Gold Shield Gaffy had had 25% physical evade. Evading 1/4 of all attacks is a fairly good deal.

At least Amy Lee is hot. Or so I have read.

I rarely check that menu except when casting spells.
Delita made reference to his Wish ability, and Algus talked about how neat break skills are.

Ramza's now a new Squire, so he has Cheer Up added to his ability list. It's a 100% accurate brave increase. Ramza will cheer himself to maximum brave a lot and encourage his buddies so everyone uses reaction abilities.

Ramza's squire variants have been dubbed the Ubersquire because he gets a ton of equipment options and great stat multipliers.

Let's go to Dorter and buy some stu-

Well, didn't see this one coming.
I've played this game over a dozen times of course I know a battle's here.

A mysterious knight and a thief barter cattle.

No, they're talking about killing people, of course.

Numerous footsteps are heard.

The knight leaves.

And he tosses his at to the ground.

Gafgarion is famous for his position in the Order of the Eastern Sky. For a bunch of guys famous for being brutal, Gafgarion was brutal.

He whistles for his allies.

The thief puts his hat back on in time for the battle.

The assblaster already has the next tier of equipment before I can even get to a shop!

One of his allies is insultingly poorly equipped. Everyone else is pretty average.

I guess it's time for Norma to help my crew of underleveled, underequipped (except for Ramza) nimrods win fights.

Giant AoE, doesn't hit allies, and it'll tear the heads off of those two.

Basically, when in doubt,

Summon ice goddesses.

I was afraid my computer would die horribly on summons.
It shows them better than my PS2 does.

It also tears these morons apart!

Oh hey Gafgarog way to be a bro and use a hi-potion instead of your hp draining attack yeah I totally don't mind you spending 200 gil when there's new equipment everywhere including stuff that boosts PA while Night Sword is free yeah sure what a guy

Fist's fists are the subject of punchlines.

Stasis Sword has been stopping a lot of people.

"Oh Ramza, I get my rocks off seeing you cut things and yell a lot."
And so she successfully charmed Ramza.

Eldena hits him with a stick for it.

There is a problem! CAST SHIVA AT IT!

Ramza mutilates the other wizard for being a dork.

Agrias hits the archer and stops her from getting Ramza or Fist.
She can't get Gafgarog, cuz he likes men that way. Cuz he's Gafgarog.

Speaking of him, he frustrates all my attempts to get some easy JP.

All of them.

Then he killsteals. What a bastard.

So I'll go directly there and certainly won't spend several months doing propositions no sir.