Part 19: Interlude 5 - The only time Ramza shushes someone.

Damage = [CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 50] and it can't be blocked and its elemental so it can be boosted and no enemy ever uses either item that protects from holy damage.
Holy is fucking awesome.

That's the main prize from Priest, so Eldena goes in Oracle to jab people with a stick when she's out of MP from casting Holy once.

Mustadio is turned into a Knight.

Fist takes his gun. Now he can use those break skills from 8 panels away!

Sound advice.

Charge does affect guns. It turns it from WP*WP to (WP+N)*WP where N is the charge skill's level.
Problem is that Charge sucks. At most I could only get +4 or +7 without having to intentionally avoid killing the enemy, and (6+4)*6 is just 60, not a very impressive jump, and (6+7)*6 is 78, which is okay but I'd have to get exactly right after a guy's turn to have it land and eventually enemies will become so fast that it's just impossible to hit them at all unless I restrain them with statuses. At that point, it's easier to just have the mage kill the guy and have the gunner shoot someone else without charging.

I guess we shouldn't tell him that the princess is part of our motley crew, huh?

...The jokes are too obvious.

Set it to the highest even number...

Let's go to Orbonne and burn some da-


Ovelia walks over to the tree. She begins picking off leaves and watching them fall to the ground.

Ramza quickly hides behind a wall and listens to what she's saying.

Ovelia picks off another leaf.

I tend to clip ellipses to three periods, but sometimes you get one with so many periods that it verges on parody.

Ramza tries to make Mustadio quiet, but Agrias talks to Mustadio and doesn't particularly notice Ramza.

Then a wheezing-like sound is heard...

It's Ovelia trying desperately to play a reed flute.

Ramza plays the same note he played with Delita over a year ago.

Using Ramza's technique, Ovelia plays her own note.

Mere blades of grass have bridged the gap between commoner, nobleman, and royalty...

I really don't show off these character profiles enough. Maybe it's because of the poor English. Here's proof Ramza's using an assumed name and that only Gaffy knows.
Dead characters don't have an age thing.

For reference, here's the late Algus. Because of his extreme deadness, his profile won't change.

Draclau already has a profile. These guys are sometimes Pagan Examiners, sometimes Heresy Examiners, and at one point Trial Examiners! WotL lumps them all under "Confessor." Funeral's title in WotL is High Confessor. Funeral is kinda like the Pope of Ivalice.

I really can't find a way to make such an obvious joke funny.

But the girls plundered the hold and pocketed the gil. Go them.

Eldena learns how to make animals domesticated with her fists.

Bye potions!

Hello Hi-Potions!

Ivalice is the land of sinking ships, apparently.

A magical gun. I guess Mustadio wasn't making things up. Too bad this gun has been underwater for years, so the mechanics have rusted. As the maker has long since died, this poor gun is a non-functioning museum piece now.

Eldena learns Spell Absorb, so I can suck up someone's MP to cast a spell after casting Holy. 56 MP is a pain.
You know what else is a pain? The next story battle.