Part 20: Bariaus Hill

Bariaus hill is, like, Biblical.

Lionel is the area where Ajora and his disciples did holy works. Ajora himself is from Bervenia, a city in Lesalia. They say he was performing miracles from the day he was born.

This won't go well. No matter what I do this battle never goes well. Maybe if I did a hell of a lot of grinding, but then I'd seem even lamer, huh?

Some Bart Company mercenaries are waiting for Mustadio.

Though he's well armed, he's not the issue.

There are two female summoners here.

You know all the cool things I said about Shiva way back when?
They're gonna hit me with that.

Because of this looming threat of scions blowing me to bits, Eldena doesn't cast Holy even though it would make the enemy knight a memory.

Instead, she jabs him with a stick.

Fist shoots his sword, hitting a small fracture caused by stress and poor workmanship. The blade shatters, rendering it useless.

Gotta kill these guys fast so I can focus on the summoners!

Oh no.

Oh god the summoner has haste and she'll cast Ifrit twice before I can kill her and no one will live and the whole game will be forfeit because of these stupid summoners oh ho ho I have to be so fancy with my Haste and Protect that I make everyone summon bait.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

I knew this was coming. It always happens because of where those summoners start, makes them nearly impossible to start hitting before the stroll up and fling Ifrit. If Mustadio weren't under AI control I could have him use his Aim skills to disable one of them but no, he's not. He has to shoot the archers instead.

I'm sorry father, I have failed my people...


Don't do it for your squad, do it for Ivalice!

The other summoner could only hit Ramza who is now chugging Hi-Potions so he got out okay, and because of her bad equipment she can't cast a second Ifrit. When Norma got the other one, this battle was in the bag.

Still wanna heal up for the extra JP.
I love my JP.

Oh guns, will you ever not be awesome? The only time they wouldn't would be right now, because of how weak the gun is.

Agrias has Cure 2. Keep this in the back of your memory.

Ramza punches the other summoner to death, ending the nightmare forever.

Free holy water. Didn't expect that one.

Dycedarg walks to his cabinets.

He grabs a glass.

And the wine bottle.

And pours himself some wine.
I just want to emphasize how many sprites are in this game that only get used in one scene, without even being that important to the scene.
Compare that to Square's last venture with sprites.

Celes is either depressed, looking down a hole, relieved that a friend is still alive, or in the middle of nodding.

Dycedarg puts down the wine bottle.

Dycedarg drinks the wine.

The scene ends. Ramza proceeds to Lionel Castle, not knowing what awaits...