Part 23: Interlude 6 - Those who seek the Holy Stone

There's a whole cutscene in the "records" section of the Brave Story that plays nowhere else. By it's position it fits somewhere between meeting Draclau in Lionel Castle and the stuff at Goug.
It's technically a flashback to when Mustadio first escaped from the Bart Company with the holy stone. It also introduces the player to Mustadio's dad Besrodio and the Bart Company's leader Rudvich earlier than normal, though it doesn't use Rudvich's portrait for some reason.
Technically, it adds nothing to the plot, but it does give an interesting bit on Besrodio you'd have to infer otherwise.

Besrodio urges his son Mustadio to escape!

He hands Mustadio a yellow crystal with the sign Taurus, not unlike the red one Draclau had.

This is the only scene in the game (unless there's more hiding on me) that does this zoom-in thing. What gets me is that the background still looks nice. There's hidden details even like test tubes on a rack and a monkey rench that I'd never notice if it weren't zoomed in.

Oh, so that's why he has a cane.

The door is bust open!

Rudvich and some of his troops enter the room!

Mustadio quickly escapes out the other door.

Rudvich's troops chase after him, and Besrodio is easily captured...