Part 24: Goug Machine City

Mustadio is naked now. I should stop doing that as it's a pretty blatant indication that the guy is about to leave.

Like I said last time, she's got Calculator.
If I so desired it, I could have Eldena end every battle instantly, in but a single spell.

But it'd be a fucking pain in the ass to do that as using Math Skill requires at least one attribute and one number, and Calculators have utterly abysmal Speed, often less than half of what other classes have. That's why I value propositions so much, they don't care that Eldena is slower than molasses, slower than Quinn even.
That is probably the most awkward throwback to a previous LP I've ever done. At least she's not eating floppy disks.
...Damn, I'm good at topping myself.

Norma goes back to Summoner while I wait for the moment I can buy more katanas.

Math Skill uses spells from White, Black, Time, and Yin-Yang magics. Yin-Yang offers a lot of statuses and with Eldena already knowing Holy it's best to go into statuses, she's already got damage covered.

Goug sits right on top of a bunch of mechanical wonders from the days of St. Ajora. The machinists strive every day to plug this piece into that slot and see if something works.

Ramza and Mustadio walk through Goug. Didn't Draclau say he was sending troops at the Bart Company?

Goug is the only town that sells guns. Halfway through chapter 3 they start selling the Mythril Gun, even though by that time you're on the other side of Ivalice.

I could scroll glitch Samurai and just stop caring, but that just isn't stylish.

Makes Blade Grasp harder to reach, though, so there's that if you still pretend this game has dignity.

To get in the battle, you have to step off of Goug.

Your team starts behind a fallen building, so just line 'em up closer to the enemy.

There we g-wait one damn second...

Still doesn't have Attack UP yet.

It begins to rain.

Lightning crashes in the sky. This battle deals with enemy summoners who love Ramuh.

A sickly-looking man, caught up in dirty business and the pleasures of life, appears.

Some thieves bring out Mustadio!

Some gears click in Ramza's head.

He yells at Mustadio.

Mustadio's dad Besrodio is pushed to the ground.

Besrodio is shoved in a room.

Ramza moves some bricks aside and finds the stone.

The stone, inscribed with Taurus, doesn't seem as glorious as Draclau's stone. Must be the dust and rubble.

Knowing that Rudvich has more chips on his side, Ramza concedes.

Wait, that means-

This battle is surprisingly easy.

These summoners just aren't as brutal as the ones in Bariaus Hill. I'm not quite sure how that happened. The thieves and archers don't hit very hard, and Mustadio can die all he wants.

Speaking of which, he's a naked Engineer with different abilities than when he was a naked Knight. This is, mechanically, a different Mustadio than the one who left.

Ramuh hits kinda hard. It's the only danger, and that's only if zodiac compatibilities aren't in your favor and the archers and thieves get several consecutive hits.

It tickles.

These summoners start out with their faces open to fists.

The enemy isn't very good with charging safely sometimes. This is one of those times.

Moogle (Or Mogri as it's called by the HUD) is a good healing spell despite it's low multiplier because it's cheap, fast, hits a big area, and doesn't heal enemies. Fairy, the Summoner's other healing spell, replaces "cheap and fast" with "Heals shittons of HP".

Eldena is a powerful mage, so Moogle still recovers significant HP.

The summoners are mopped up and the thieves get shot and jabbed to death. The archers are being a bit more tenacious, but they really can't do much with low PA and weak weapons. A Shiva later and the battle is over.

Probably. Goltana has all the guys that appear for one scene then never again. Five of them total, I think.

A free Thunder Rod now, of all times?
Later, inside a room in

Mustadio reaches into his pocket and produces...

The Taurus stone?!

But then, a thought strikes Ramza.

Mustadio joins without bothering to put pants on first.
Despite this, you should NEVER DISMISS MUSTADIO OR LET HIM DIE. Without him you miss four special characters in Chapter 4.