Part 25: Warjilis Trade City

C'mon already!

Okay, I get it!

The Goug-Warjilis route is really long.

Rad and co. have ran out of novelty, so they get kicked out.
If you're playing WoTL, don't do this! If you do, you miss out on an absolutely broken, overpowered accessory. You get 8 more character slots so it doesn't really matter.

Oh yeah, Ramza has Ninja now.

He also has Martial Arts. These two combined turn Ramza from "pretty okay frontliner" to "SPEARHEADING THE PUNCHING REVOLUTION BODY COUNT GROWTH IS EXPONENTIAL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and I love it.
It's why Ramza's Brave has gotten so high. Did'ya notice that? It's been increasing all throughout the chapter.

He learns how to throw balls. Throw skills add weapon types for ninjas to throw. Balls are weapons sold in shops that can only be thrown that deal elemental damage.
Notable are:
Axes, the random damage doesn't count here, so they're just high WP weapons to toss.
Dictionaries, literally throwing the book at them.
Knight Swords, most of which exist in only one or two copies unless thrown by enemy ninjas, so don't leave your Ninjas under AI control as Knight Swords have really high WP which they like. Or just don't learn Knight Sword because you shouldn't throw them anyway.
Everything, because Throw is long enough to scroll-glitch if you can get under 100 JP.

Fist Rockgroin learns Ether so I stop worrying about Eldena being out of MP after one Holy.

Reef Blastbody gets Attack UP, so the rest of her JP is going to go to learning how to steal.

Let's take the trip to Warjilis!

Any moment now...

Ramza exits his cabin on the boat, to a peaceful, bustling city.

Ramza steps off the boat, only to see-

That link above is an animated cutscene. Because it has Delita.

Upon those words, Delita begins to walk away, but Ramza stops him short.

Delita leaves.

So, so many balls. I pick thunder because... I really can't justify why I picked thunder.

More sunken ships with historic names, this one is an actual FF reference this time.

Eldena begins picking up Math Skills.
You do see that speed, right? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Slow. As. Hell.
Upon trying to leave Warjilis, more cutscenes! This one is in the office of Cardinal Draclau. Gafgarion and Rudvich are present...

Gafgarion leaves. Rudvich is still angry.

Draclau gets up, his stern gaze never leaving Rudvich.

He quickly steps to Rudvich-

-And his scream echoes through the halls, then fades to nothing.

Now that we've got the scary stuff out of the way, it's time to engage in the cumbersome propositions of Goug and Warjilis.

That's every proposition in the game forever.

More mining, more ship recovery. That's every proposition in the game forever.

The gil isn't bad.

Asura has been replaced by the stronger Kotetsu. There's a Draw Out that doesn't deal HP damage between every two that do from this point, so Kotetsu will be Norma de Sade's main weapon until Heaven's Clouds show up. Bizen Boat deals MP damage which is dumb because at Norma's MA Kotetsu makes every mage and most knights dead in single hits.

Mme. Eldena can only get one attribute or one number, but until she has one of each, Math Skill can't be used.
Looks like it's waiting 'til Chapter 3.

I buy a bunch of Kotetsus to prevent Norma from running out.
I haven't had a katana break since that Asura, so go me I guess.

Reef can get her first Steal ability, so I go with Accessry. She'll use Steal Weapon once in chapter 3 then she relaxes until chapter 4.

You see that word Calc at the start of the third row? It means Haste can be used as a spell for Math Skill.

Meteor here doesn't have Calc, so it can't be used. Bugger.

Holy can, and that's the basis for the majority of Math Skill bullshit that renders the game in a vegetative state.

Most of Yin-Yang magic can be used. Pray Faith is one of them. The Faith status temporarily sets Faith to 100, which leads to hilarity like "covering the entire battlefield, caster included, with Faith to launch a series of 999 damage Holies on everybody."
You know, it's probably maddening that I'm talking about Math Skill so much without showing it. I really can't do it justice yet. It'll take a while to get to that point.
Don't worry, I've got something planned. It'll be glorious.
Anyway, next story battle, we pick up the coolest special character, who is definitely going to see use.