Part 26: Bariaus Valley

Ramza's group gets three members and is the one closer to the person we're trying to save.

The other group gets to kill a couple of mooks then not contribute anything because Bariaus Valley is a bitch to navigate.

In a heavy thunderstorm, Agrias is being pursued!

He whistles for his buddies.

But then a chorus of feet is heard.

Fist and Eldena just blink into existence. I guess no one accounted for your characters spawning so high up that they're on screen.

Geronimo? Geronimo was an Apache chief who fought against the US during the Apache Wars of the 1880's. It became a thing people who jump yell because of a rumor that Geronimo escaped the 82nd Calvary jumping down a cliff, yelling his name. It was adopted by WWII paratroopers because WWII soldiers are crazy.
How exactly this fell into common parlance for Ivalicians is another matter entirely.

Wait, Counter Tackle?

Move +1. Sure.

Agrias spawns with over 1,000 JP. I'm hoping a bit of that can be diverted towards her spawning with Gained JP UP.

You know what? Fuck it. She's level 5 in Holy Knight, she can get 200 JP without much trouble.

Split Punch is somehow, motherfuckers. Agrias has a Coral Sword so the thunderstorm is powering up her attacks a little.

Norma unleashes a Kotetsu.

Even without a wizard's crazy MA Draw Out still hits really hard. It's really just totally unfair.

Eldena blows one of the enemy Archers to bits.

And Ramza punches a guy in the face a bunch. It's a wonderful trifecta of dead enemies.

Huh. How convenient.

These guys didn't stand much of a chance. Agrias is one of the easiest people to save.
The next two story battles are the real killers.

Norma just teleports up there and takes out the archer.

Agrias becomes a party member! She's why BulkVanderhuge was fated to be replaced. Holy Sword is really, really good. Like, really good.