Part 27: Interlude 7 - Roadblock? Get a tank!

This place is up there with Dorter Trade City and the end of Chapter 3 in terms of "FFT sometimes hates you." Compared to the stuff before this battle will hurt. It's 8 against 5, and you're split up into two groups. It's the first battle without a guest so you don't have anyone to help you.
To counteract that and me being 4 levels below what the FFWiki suggests and Agrias wanting abilites, I'm going to grind a little.

Bizen Boat's Draw Out deals MP damage. It's useless because the HP Damage ones should deal enough that wizards die instantly.

The Brigandine offers 50 HP and nothing else. It's the last Clothes to offer only HP. The Wizard Clothes were the first to offer something else, at 17 MP.
I've neglected talking about clothes because of this boringness factor.

the Wizard Staff is really neato and I buy two for the girls. I love my MA boosts.

Diamond Armlets cost the same as Power Gloves and only offer more things.

I finally got a second piggy so I poach it.
Only to remember that Uribos only give something cool on the rare poach (which I don'tget) and that Fur Shops don't show up until chapter 3.

That's a lot of damage for your equipment, Agrias.

Oh. Well. Um, wow, that's pretty neat.

Split Punch's incantation.

Split Punch inflicts Death Sentence, which gives the target three turns to act, then they die. I don't use it much because what honestly survives three turns?

Black Chocobos fly with their 6 move, and they have a powerful ranged attack in Choco Ball. They can really easily pick out someone charging and hit them and it's really hard to stop it. I hate them. Luckily, they have really low HP and don't have Choco Cure.

Norma has Summon to do stuff while not risking my katanas.

The chocobo dodges Ramza's sword because he's a butt. Fuck you, you stupid chocobo.
Ramza's a Squire so he can drop some JP for Agrias. Special jobs replace Squire, so any action a Squire takes gives Agrias Holy Knight JP, while her actions give others Squire JP.

I get tired of this battle (because Agrias has 200 JP) so Norma tears shit up.

Now to get 700 JP for Lightning Stab! Lightning Stab is really, really, really, really good.

Piggy gets a name because he might stick around for a while. He doesn't because a Porky and a Wildbow fall in my lap.

The next battle involves Ramza taking advantage of corpses, Cannot Enter Water properties, and standing on a chokepoint. He shows the enemy his balls.

Moogle's incantation.

Hey, a random Archer!

...And he's behind the shops in equipment.
I'm thinking I could do with a few more levels.

There's a Mindflare! The highest rank of Pisco Demon is a douche.

He just spends all day trying to cast Mind Blast.

Now Ramza's brain is a searing red! I really don't get much grinding done because Ramza punches everybody to death.

Kotetsu's incantation.

My favorite Draw Out animation is still Muramasa. Or maybe it's just the weird sound effects it has.

Hoisted by his own petard.

The other Mindflare tries to take his paint to Agrias's brain, but she luckily evades.

Beserk guys go to the closest enemy and attack. The only way I have to cure it is either killing Ramza, which is really hard with his Auto-Potion, or Dispel, which costs a ton of JP that I want to use on Sleep and Petrify.

The only place you can find an enemy Porky is at the bottom of the bonus dungeon. Porksor's name is a hilarious coincidence.
I suppose farting would be a good attack if it had range or vertical tolerance and wasn't on a comically frail monster.

Now that I have a Porky, Butch doesn't need to be around anymore.

Ironic, then, that a Wildbow shows up before the next fight. There is no place in the game where you can find an enemy Wildbow. The only place to see one is by getting a Porky and hoping it lays a Wildbow egg.
Porksor gets to stick around because, unlike Uribos, either of a Porky's poaches are fun to see.

Goblin Punch hurts a lot. Unlike Goblins and Black Goblins these guys can pose a bit of a threat.

Cat Kick is stronger than Scratch, and has a better animation, but it's got worse vertical tolerance.
Speaking of which, Red Panthers, Cuars, and Vampires have Ignore height.
Speaking of which, the 3rd tier of Red Panther is Vampire.

Ramza's brain was colored about 4 or 5 different colors so he's confused. Also he's poisoned so he's just having an off-hue day.

A bullet to the face cures confusion rather well.

I'm ahead of Katanas for sale, finally. Murasame's Draw Out is the HP healing one.

Agrias has been getting so much JP. Ramza can get Move +1 from the spillover. It'll do until he gets Teleport.

Holy's awesome incantation.

Fuck yeah, that should be enough for Lightning Stab!

Fist gets Remedy, which heals everything the above items do and then some, except for Holy Water healing Zombie and Blood Suck. Zombie is really rare and Blood Suck is only used by a single enemy.

Eldena gets Teleport too!

Lightning Stab may have a pretty lame status, but it's got the AoE of Stasis Sword, the range of Split Punch, infinite vertical tolerance for range and 1 height tolerance for area, and it deals more damage than the other Holy Sword skills thus far.
It's rad to the max.

Fist helps people get Auto Potion. Soon, everyone but Agrias runs around with it.

Ramza learns how to throw axes.
And with that, I decide that these guys are good enough to fight the Execution Site battle.
And they're still below that recommended level. Who the hell cares?