Part 28: Golgrand Execution Site

Y'know, Lionel using this site is something akin to someone using Calvary Hill for executions today. This site is where St. Ajora was executed by the Yudora Empire. But hanging the Child of God doesn't solve problems, it causes them. God, in his anger, destroyed the once thriving Murdon area, seat of the Yudora Empire, in a series of natural disasters, so the story goes. All that's left of the once mighty Murdon is a tiny island where the Glabados Church's cathedral, the residence of the High Priest, sits.

Anyway, the first group is face-to-face with the boss, and the second group starts out boxed in under an arch ready to be pestered by some Time Mages.

If you barely got past Dorter Trade City, this battle is likely to make you cry.

The execution is already underway. Maybe I shouldn't have spent so long grinding.

Ramza's group arrives!

The executioner takes off his cloak! It's... Gafgarion!

The "Princess" takes off her disguise, revealing herself to be an archer! More troops arrive, totaling 8 with Gafgarion.

Once again, beating Gafgarion doesn't end the battle.

Gafgarion has a very rare sword equipped. The Blood Sword drains HP when it hits.
...But since Gafgarion uses Night Sword it doesn't matter much. The only other place to get a Blood Sword is to poach a Hydra, a rare monster appearing first in chapter 4.

the difficulty in this fight is that the enemy, outnumbering you by 3, can just run you out of resources. Gafgarion's ability to drain HP demands constant attention if your damage output isn't that high, and that leaves openings for the knights and archers to hit you. Worse yet, the Time Mages are almost assured to have Haste and Slow, which only aggravates the problem.
Luckily, Ramza's crew here hits really hard, and three of them have Auto-Potion.

Night Sword has PA*WP, so it's hitting for 48 on neutral compatibility. Keep in mind Gafgarion is really fast, he already has 8 speed when others are barely hitting 7.

Fist gets a 29% Weapon Break off and destroys the Blood Sword. Gaffy is a much smaller threat now.

This is one of the few times a character who's already joined gets any more screen time.

(Remember, he has been using the name Ruglia to distance himself from his family)

Lightning Stab's incantation.

Damn, that's a radical hit there.

Norma abuses Teleport's height ignoring properties and poofs right next to a Knight and Time Mage. In a single Kotetsu, both perish.

Gaffy gets pinned with a Holy. Eldena then teleports up the wall, too, to avoid physical attacks.

The Time Mage had a slow on her, so I take advantage of this and slow the Time Mage too.

Maybe pride would've let you avoid the wrath of the heavens? Either way Gaffy's down.

Yeah, I used the Rubber Shoes for something.

This battle is firmly in the hands or Ramza's crew. I guess that's what happens when Ramza's so full of punchitude.

Eldena and the last Time Mage engage in a cudgeling contest. Eldena has the best stick available and Auto-Potion.

I stick Norma on top of the gallows for the hell of it.

Eldena won the cudgeling contest.

Actually, I'm going to stop by Warjilis first to get some Defense Rings.
Meanwhile, within a cell in Lionel Castle...

Cardinal Draclau and a guest - the same purple-robed knight from Dorter who wanted Ramza's group dead - arrive.

The music ends as Ovelia stares, wide-eyed, at what the knight said.

This picture's a link to one of the best songs in the game. You should really click it. It perfects the mood. It starts playing when this text box of Vormav's appears.

That explains why the young prince isn't sickly like his father. Who the hell knows who Orinas's father is? Larg is putting his support behind the bastard son of the queen.

And Goltana is wanting to put a fake princess on the throne...

Vormav, Draclau, and Delita leave Ovelia to ponder the revelation and her own fate. She stares silently at the wall, trying to wrap her mind around what she just heard...