Part 29: Lionel Castle

Like I said, the boss loves Sleep and Death Sentence.

Lionel Castle is the first set of multiple battles, where you can't leave in between the battles. There's only two.
There's a different reason I'm pointing at Bariaus Hill.

Due to the multiple battles thing, it's possible to walk over Lionel and leave the whole region. This may be handy if you really need weapons and armor from a castle shop like Igros.
At this point in WotL, there's a new scene involving Wiegraf and a knight named Rofel, who wears a uniform similar to Vormav's. It explains what Wiegraf's doing in chapter 3, which was out of left field in the original. It's titled "Vow for Vengeance".
The track that plays during that scene is normally only heard in a scene in the middle of chapter 3, and its title reflects that. It's also completely fucking amazing, like woah.
Did I mention I love FFT's soundtrack?

The first of Ramza's duels is coming up, so I give him Concentrate. Both of his duel opponents have shields so hitting all the time helps.

I give him shoes that increase his Jump by 1 due to the height difference between himself and his opponent.

So, yeah, let's get this shit done and save the princess!

Ramza's all by himself and cutscene powers fix his position.

It's backwards. You'll see why.

What am-

Ramza has to fight Gafgarion all by himself, or survive long enough to open the gate (REMEMBER THAT?!?!). His friends fight off the rest of the ambush. You see, it's supposed to be a surprise ambush and your other guys have a reversed position from normal, but I knew it was coming.

Gaffy gave up on gimmick swords so he does the boss trick of going up a tier.

Ramza's Concentrate really makes this a lot easier.

This is where Ramza's zodiac sign really starts asserting itself. A Good relationship requires Ramza to down Gaffy fast or fucking sprint to the switch, as Gaffy is dealing a lot of damage and healing himself for a lot. Bad and Worst relationships should focus on letting someone else in, as Gaffy is hard to hit but doesn't hit hard.

Auto Potion uses the potion effect for Hi and X potions. Also Auto Potion makes this shit a lot easier. Forget Draw Out or Martial Arts Ninjas, Auto Potion is the real broken thing this early.

Well fuck you too summoner guy.

I could have Norma or Eldena just teleport over the gate and help Ramza, but that wouldn't be dramatic.

Hitting people with sticks is dramatic as hell.


There went the whole battle. It's completely in my favor now. The main issue is that Summoner picking on you while your rows are reversed while the knights and archers are boxing you in.

Agrias Lightning Stabs away the other archer.

Without his shield and with good compatibility, Gaffy doesn't stand a chance.

Even running up a hill won't save him.

This is the end of the line for him.

Whap! Whap!

Gafgarion falls, the life leaving his old, battered body instantly.

In gameplay terms, he crystalizes instantly. I guess to prevent reviving him after he gives a sad goodbye.

He's the only guy in the game to do that. So, is there something special about his crystal? Can Ramza obtain the powers of a Dark Knight?!

Nope. In fact, Gafgarion is a Dark Knight, all his JP is in Dark Knight. He doesn't even have a secondary skill. Unless Counter Tackle came up, Ramza couldn't have inherited anything anyway.
All he gets is 2 MP.

Oh yeah the last knight dies. I was holding off on doing that until Ramza got Gafgarion's crystal.

This is why you keep a second save. You can't leave in between battles, so if you save over your main save and can't beat the next battle, you're fucked.
Chapter 3 ends with 3 battles in a chain. The last two are two of the hardest battles in the game.